Alter Ego [Three]

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Fandom: Warriors [Warrior Cats]
Clan: SkyClan
OC's Age: 26 moons

Disclaimer! I do not own every cat mentioned in this story!


There was a yowl in the camp, Cloud Storm didn't want to get up at all. She had to though, as a warrior. A warrior, how pathetic, She thought. The light brown she-cat hadn't gotten rid of Wild Soul yet and this was the perfect time to make him disappear. She looked at the black and gray tom who looked at the things going on below, maybe she could knock him off the branch. Cloud Storm quietly jumped from branch to branch, and with a mighty heave, she shoved the smokey warrior off of his branch. The tabby quickly left and pretended to just have woken up before leaping down and joining the battle. She noticed that the fox was female, and there was a faint milk scent on her. The vixen might have pups, if she dies then the pups would probably die too. Cloud Storm used all her might to pin the fox down but just as she was about to kill the fox, it clawed at her and slipped out of her grasp. The light brown she-cat was in shock but after a few moments, charged after the vixen again. It went after Silver Star now, and before anyone could react, injured the Leader badly. Cloud Storm leaped upon the fox and tore at its neck, leaping off after injuring the fox a lot. She watched her clanmates as they attacked the fox, it managed to get away, but not without fatal wounds. When she looked over at Clouded Wings, she was already gone, presumably in the medicine den.

"Wild Soul is dead!" Someone called out.

It made Silver Star seem shocked. The gray she-cat went over to the tall stump and called for a clan meeting.

"Wild Soul a very brave warrior has died today and in honor we shall bury him. Now I must choose a new deputy and that cat will be Cloud Storm. She fought well and hard today." Silver Star announced weakly. The fox must have done some serious damage.

Cloud Storm and Silver Star touched noses, and then the new deputy stepped back. One step closer to becoming a leader. Soon the power of the clan shall be hers, she just needs to get rid of Silver Star, that pathetic leader. That'll be something to look forward to, tomorrow, the power will be her's.

The next morning came like the blink of an eye. The light brown she-cat's brain was still fuzzy until she remembered her mission. The camp was currently mourning Wild Soul's death and Silver Star was getting treated for her wounds. What better way to kill her leader in secret besides deathberries? Cloud Storm quickly got out of her nest and off of the branch where her nest lay. Leaving camp, she didn't even look back, she can't have anybody stopping her. Not now, not ever. There was a patch of deathberries not far from camp and she tore some off. The newly named deputy caught a mouse a few moments later and hid the deadly berries inside. The light brown tabby picked up her prey and headed for the medicine cat den. Eventually, once she got inside, she nodded at Silver Star in respect and gave her the prey. The leader looked shocked upon finding out about the deathberries. Cloud Storm left the medicine den, she'll let somebody else discover the death of their precious leader.

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