Boring Meeting

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Fandom: Wings Of Fire
Tribe: SandWings
OC's Age: 10


The sun blazed brightly, not a single cloud in sight. I turned from the window and flopped back onto my bed. It wasn't very ladylike of me and my mother would probably get mad if she found out, but I was tired and I didn't get any sleep last night.

"Princess Sunrise! Queen Desert is calling you!"

I rolled my eyes, sometimes I wish that I wasn't a princess. I wouldn't even become queen anyways, not with my sisters Princess Lizard, Princess Sunshine and Princess Meerkat all being older than me. Lizard was intolerable, always speaking so high of herself. I always wondered how mother hadn't gone mad from Lizard's rambling, especially since I already have. Meerkat is the oldest, everyone thinks that she'd be queen one day. I also believe it, but sometimes I wish that I could have a chance, not gonna happen since I'm the youngest. I groan and get up from my bed, putting on some jewelry as I passed my vanity. Mother hates it when her children don't wear jewelry and gives lectures everytime one of them doesn't wear jewelry. Easy for Lizard though, she's always wearing tons of jewelry.

I leave my room to see Firefly waiting for me patiently and I nod my head towards him in acknowledgement. We left for the throne room, which was Queen Desert's favorite place in the palace.

"Why do you think Queen Desert called me?" I asked, looking at my escort

"Don't know." Firefly said with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes at his response, being a guard at the palace totally took a toll on his personality. I don't even remember the last time he smiled. As I became lost in my own thoughts, we very inconveniently came to a halt right outside of the throne room. Darn it! I thought to myself, just when I was actually thinking about something. Firefly pushed open the doors and we went in.

"Finally, you're here." Queen Desert said with a bored voice. My father King Rattlesnake on the other hand, was pretty eager to hear what mother has to stay.

My father is the exact opposite of what his name suggests. He's very kind and not at all mean and his voice isn't slithery which literally makes him an outcast my whole family. My father isn't very stern either, you couldn't stuff his smile back even if you tried. My family doesn't really have a slithery voice though, it's actually only Princess Meerkat and one of my brothers Prince Cobratail.

I took a seat at my throne, it's smaller than all my siblings', but it's especially small if you compare it to Queen Desert's. My brother Prince Tumbleweed who was only a few minutes older than me sat on my left. I gazed at mother intently, trying to find any information by looking into her eyes, but of course, no luck.

"I'm sure you all are confused on why I have called my family members here today with such a short notice."

Most of the dragons in the room nodded, I was probably the most confused, bit annoyed. Confused but annoyed? Yeah that sounded about right. I hate spending time in any of the palace rooms except for my own, which is the weirdest thing in the mind of other dragons but I could really care less. I loved sneaking out though, it was the only exciting thing I could do.

"I have decided that I will be choosing my heir, if any of my children decide to challenge me, they will be immediately executed."

I had a look of shock on my face and so did everyone else. I was pretty sure that the rules couldn't be changed, it had stayed that way for thousands and thousands of years, surely one mere queen can't change that.

"But with all due respect my queen, it's been tradition in all of the tribes to challenge for the throne." Said one of the advisors, I think his name was Salamander His name and slithery voice just gives me the creeps.

Queen Desert looked outraged that a mere advisor would question her authority. I imagined myself in her situation right now and I surely would've collapsed in iust pressure itself. My mother's eyes narrowed, glaring at the rude advisor, well, probably rude in Queen Desert's mind, not really to me. My mother let out a hiss of disapproving rage, making me shiver just from hearing it. Queen Desert is a large and slender dragon with scales the color of wet sand, what made her look so terrifying though, is how whiplike her tail is and how sharp her barb is. Salamandor looked at the queen in terror, his bulky bodybuild looked small compared to Queen Desert as she opened her wings and made a menacing face.

"Do not question my decisions Salamander, advisors like you should stay out of my way." Queen Desert spat. "You dare undermine my authority? Don't forget that I was the one who hired you."

"Y-yes my queen." Salamander hurriedly said before bowing his head in a respectful way. "I won't do it again."

It was strange seeing him like this, almost as if he became a different dragon around my mother. I zoned out, looking out the window at the rising sun. I loved watching the sunrise which was ironic really since I was named Sunrise. Queen Desert seemed to be talking again, but I payed no attention. I hated being in the throne room, with everyone staring at me. I thought about sneaking out, but I obviously couldn't with so many eyes on me. I looked back from the window where bright sunlight shone inside and glanced through the dragons gathered in the room. I found Firefly listening intently to Queen Deserts words and realized I probably should too.

"-Also, I don't want my dragonets to be harmed in my reign. They can do whatever they want after I die but not right now." Queen Desert continued.

I found myself zoning out again, as my mother's voice stopped though, I snapped back to reality. I sighed in relief, the meeting was finally over. Looking over at my other siblings, only Sunshine looked bored, which was surprising considering she loved being in mother's presence. I quickly excused myself and left, making me the first to leave the throne room. I neared my room, and pushed open the doors. I crawled onto my bed then fell asleep.

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