this is the part when you run ...

211 13 2

Y/n s pov

I silently let sebastian get the mark off my neck,I huffed as I crossed my arms like a 5 year old

"Pleas stay still y/n !"He mumble as he worked on the mark on my neck

For an odd reason I felt my cheeks heat up as I felt his hands on my neck

How odd ...

After all that was done , I stood up and pointed at the door

"If you may, I have to Change , you. Do know I have a job to do mr.michaels

He chukled as he bowed with a fake smile ,"Why of course ms.l/n ..."

He then left quietly , I sifted and locked my door

Walking towards my closet I grabd my  maid clothes and a towel, the one  I had on was covered with red liquid thanks to serpent

My eyes widen as I thought about it , he always was to odd and real to be an imaginary friend. ...

Although I'm not little any more, is he actually -

I shook my head as I stopd mid sentence from thinking about it

I walked to the bathroom and turned the water on , I smiled as I heard the water dropped to the floor

I got my clothes pf, Yada Yada (xP) as I did I felt eyes behind my back

I gulped as I looked behind me to see.... nothing...

I shakily sighted as I putted shampoo on my hair, I shivered again as I felt the presents even closer

Thought I slowly moved my hand to the wall were a hanged a dagger for emergencies

(In a bathtub !!?)

Just as I touched the handle of the dagger, a strong force pushed me to there chest, I screeched as I could feel soft fabric

The person tsk as it huged my waist more, with his chin on my shoulder

Just then I felt a soft material I was fomiliar with cover me

I slowly opened my eyes to see it was my towel, I looked behind me to see no other then sebastian!

His smile still visible from the water as he lean down to my face

"My you even look better withought clothes dear ..."(o____o) I snapped out of my trance as I kicked at him to get him off me , but to no avail

He titled his head to the side as he studyd my movements as I tryd to get him off

He softly laughed as he huged me tighter around him

"You know that master won't be sat if to see his trusty butler doing this to his maids !!" I said standing up for myshelf , he just chukled as he lean a bit

" yes, that is if nobody tells him I am ...isn't th at right dear~?" I just growled as I stood up braver but kept the towel around me tightly

"Well to bad Mr michaels but I won't hesitate to tell him myshelf! "

He just smiled as he looked down, both arms tighly but carefully holding my fragile waist protectively

"But I don't think master would ever care for such a weak...girl as yourshelf. ..."

I glared deeply at him as I pushed his arms away (more like trying)

"Oh really now! Then why in all the land choose such a weakling girl, and unspecial such as myself! ?" I yelled as my face was now red from all anger

(Y/n you special shut up
Y/n: pff I just wanted to make it more drama!
Me:...*facepalm* )
He stopped for a momment as he stared at my eyes , it felt like a forever gaze

So I looked to the other side avoiding his Strang red eyes , as I stopd struggling on his hold

He chukled afterwards as I felt the towel dropped to the tubs floor, my eyes widen as I was about to grab the towel again only to be pushed against the wall

His red eyes glowed as red as fire, my eyes widen as they looked inhuman

"W-what are you ..." I whispered as. I looked at him frightened

He smiled as he said those simple words , those simple words I had never understood completely until now...

"Because mr.L/N , I'm on hell of a butler, and one more thing dear " He said as he leaned more until our noses touched

"You a real indeed special and most of all " He paused as he kissed my collarbone making shivers down my back

"And forever until the end of your short life, mate. .."
( :O )

I felt my eyelids closed as I dripped in darkness

Cliffhanger omg

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