a love immortal such as mine

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y/n's point of view:




          why would i tag him, now he probably is weirded out because he was hanging out with a fan the whole time! NO, maybe i'm dreaming! i pinch myself in hopes that coming home to miguel cazarez mora finding my account was all fake. i frantically click on the profile sitting in my notifications. this has to be a fake, troll account right? spoiler alert: it wasn't. it was very real.

old me would be dancing around all excited and happy if she found out that MIGUEL, my celebrity crush, followed me back. but present y/n? she doesn't feel like dancing. now he knows i'm just a fan, not a friend.

months later: homecoming week.

i haven't spoke to or seen (in person) miguel again since that night. i wonder how he is doing, does he still remember me? ( OKAY Y/N you're not that special 🙄 ) anyways, i have more important things to worry about, nobody has asked me to hoco yet and it's in two days! so many people at this school but none of them want to go to homecoming with me? wait.. what if i ask.. would he say yes? i quickly rush to instagram and scroll though to find his account. found it! i bite my tongue and pause for a second to think, i haven't spoke to him in months and randomly asking him to hoco is sorta weird... fuck it, i don't have any fucks to give. and so i sent. ( the full address and everything, she was DESPERATE 🤣 )

waiting for a response..

more waiting...

again, waiting...

          it's homecoming day... still no response. i guess i'll just go alone, sit in the corner and cry! 
just as i'm telling myself at lunch that i'll be single forever, my thoughts are interrupted from someone sitting down across from me at my table. i look up to see my one of my bestfriends, lucas, with a huge grin on his face.

y/n: "what are you so happy about?"

lucas: "nothing, just.. planning on how to ask out someone for homecoming."

y/n: "oh really? who is this 'lucky' person?"

lucas: "oh, you know her really well.. she has beautiful h/c hair and nice e/c eyes.." he says in a very sarcastic and dramatic tone.

          my smirk disappears into a serious, shocked, "WAIT WHAT? IS LUCAS FUCKING BARDIN ASKING ME TO HOMECOMING? wait.. what happened to noah? am i your last option?" his face turns bright red, "y/n shut up, the whole cafeteria can hear you! i don't want the whole world knowing i got rejected!" my smirk magically appears back again, "don't worry, i will go to homecoming with you. let's go shopping after school for our outfit to hoco.

oh who is she? -miguel cazarez moraWhere stories live. Discover now