Chapter 15

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Somehow, I'd yet again found myself on my knees pleasuring Regina. Other than the fact that we'd said minutes earlier this wouldn't ever happen again, I also didn't think it would be me kneeling to please her, but I would make sure Regina would use her tongue, next time.

No. There wouldn't be a next time. There couldn't be a next time, because this was not a healthy relationship to have with your boss.

I wasn't even exactly sure how we'd found ourselves in this situation. Regina had kept naming rules and things I needed to do, until I told her to shut up and let me do things my way. She got pissed and that was where we started kissing again. I kind of felt like this wasn't a very normal, healthy dynamic, but something about Regina losing control and then getting agitated was very endearing.

"Be on time tomorrow, dear," Regina said as she adjusted her hair and wiped her lips with a tissue.

"I've been on time every day for the past week. My students don't arrive twenty five minutes early, I don't see why I should," I replied and buttoned my blouse. I watched as Regina applied her lipstick, staring into a pocket mirror.

She walked back to her desk and leaned against it, staring me straight in the eyes. "Why are you making such small things so important?" I asked and Regina swallowed.

"I'll explain it to you," she said, "and then you're going to do as I say and that is being on time. The time I appoint."

"My contract states that I work fr.."

"I know what your contract says, Emma," Regina said and because she used my first name I shut my mouth. "There are students twenty five minutes early. They're not in your class, but in several of your colleagues' classes there are children who arrive way too early. I know those children, hell, I've been those children and the reason they're so early is because their situation at home sucks. I know the primary goal of our school is to teach children, but coming in a few minutes earlier than usual to show some care and interest in students who need it can really help them. I know that, because I wished someone had been there for me when I was a child who went to school before it'd even opened. So, no, it isn't benefitting you, it doesn't make your life easier, but it could help other children and it would be unfair to only let the teachers teaching those children come to school early."

I kept quiet. I didn't really have anything to say. I hadn't expected Regina to really care about the children of her school, but apparently she did care. She cared much more than she let out.

"That's actually really sweet," I replied softly.

Regina scoffed softly with raised eyebrows. "I know what you think, Emma. I know what you all think of me, but that's because the only reason I'm here is for the children. I'm not here to make your job easier, as hard as that may sound, I'm here to give the children a good education and safe space."

"Don't you think a safe space would be easier if I got my couch and paintings back?" I tried and Regina looked at me for a long time. She swallowed, but nodded softly.

"Alright," she said and sat down on her chair. "Maybe I was a bit harsh in the beginning. I just treat everyone equally and if all I'd done was take away that horrible wolf poster in Miss Lucas' room, she would've gotten even angrier. I'd rather have all of you pissed at me than one of you thinking I have favorites."

I sat down in the chair across Regina's and leaned my elbows on her desk. "That makes.. in some odd way, quite some sense," I said. "But, now that we're talking, how are things going between you and Ruby? Has she made any progress?"

Regina chuckled softly and inhaled deeply with raised eyebrows. "She's certainly tried. Every Tuesday afternoon she brings me a cup of coffee, in the hopes that my thank you will come in the form of a quickie. But alas, I've yet to tell her that I don't fool around with employees. I like the coffee, though."

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