Chapter 17

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I could've learned that things never went according to plan, when I'd accidentally gotten pregnant which had resulted in a breakup with the man I'd thought I'd spend the rest of my life with. Or when I'd organized Henry's first birthday perfectly, but it ended up being a disaster with a cake that was disgusting and a complete blackout.

But I'd never learned.

So, when I'd planned not to ever make a move on Regina again, let alone kiss her, I should've known plans were useless. That way I could've prepared myself for the way I was feeling right now.

I didn't even know how it'd happened. Regina and I had eaten dinner and after we'd cleaned up, we'd gotten to that awkward moment of "do I send her away or are we going to do something else together and if yes, what?" When the tension had become unbearable, her lips had found mine and it hadn't been long until the clothes had disappeared from both of our bodies.

It was different, this time. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that we were completely alone with all the time in the world, in a bed. There was no rush or haste to it all, we both took our time with the other's body and I didn't know whether that was a good thing or a huge mistake. It'd been the most intense encounter by far and just looking at Regina as she laid naked beside me, gave me goosebumps.

She was still sleeping. The sun was already shining brightly through the gap of the curtains and I felt like I hadn't slept a wink, but I knew I must've fallen asleep at least for a few minutes.

The room was hot and the bad taste in my mouth reminded me of the fact that I had, in fact, not brushed my teeth last night.

Regina turned towards me, but her eyes were still closed. I wasn't sure whether she was still asleep or slowly waking up, but either way I loved seeing her like this. Her hair was messy and her expression was neutral. She didn't seem authoritative or bossy, she seemed very human and I knew I had to treasure this moment, because it would be soon before she'd start bossing me around again.

I pressed my lips against her forehead and her nose scrunched up. "You need to brush your teeth, your breath smells horrible."

A soft chuckle escaped my lips, because of course she'd say something like this. "You know, if you really loved me, you wouldn't mind."

"That's why I mind, Swan. I don't love you," Regina replied, still with her eyes closed and she had a slight frown on her forehead. I wanted to pretend to feel offended, but Regina moved somewhat closer to me and nestled herself against me, so I couldn't.

"Oh, how disappointing," I said sarcastically and moved to the side of the bed, mentally preparing myself to leave the warm bed and get into the cold.

"What are you doing?" Regina asked and opened one eye to look at me. She grabbed my hip, so that I couldn't move any further away.

"You told me to go brush my teeth, so I will," I said and ignored the warm hand on my hip. I got out of bed and pretended not to see the small pout on Regina's lips, because if I were to pay any attention to it, I'd actually fall in love with her.

I quickly slipped on a bathrobe and headed to the bathroom. Right after I'd finished rinsing my mouth from any toothpaste, Regina came into the bathroom. She'd taken the liberty of putting on one of my old shirts and she looked around, without a readable expression, and then smiled at me.

"Can I take a shower here?"

"You can," I replied and pointed at the shower head, "that's what that thing is for," I explained as if I was talking to a child. Regina looked intensely at me, until she rolled her eyes and touched my robe.

"It's soft," she muttered and gazed right into my eyes. I liked staring in her eyes. It felt like not a lot of people were allowed to do that as intimately as I was.

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