could any of these days get better

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I thought I had it .I thought I had gotten over Adrian .it seems like what I had for him was deeper than I thought. Take me back to the time when I could let go or love less , maybe I wouldn't be hurting over Adrian and I's break up. I still cry when I think about how things ended .I still wish we could sit and talk about what broke us up .I'd be lying if I said I have gotten over Adrian,but it doesn't matter anymore because he's moved on and found someone else to love .it's his words that hurt a lot .I still don't understand why he had to curse me after he felt he didn't want anything to do with me ."you deserve nothing good la emhlabeni " he said every time I asked if he was still in love with me .I still find it hard to understand why he came to me and wiped tears that weren't brought upon by him , healed wounds that weren't opened up by him .Then leave, after we promised each other we wouldn't be apart , after he promised to be with me till infinity and after I had pictured a bigger and better future for the two of us . Our break up has became the only reason I get sad lately .I actually don't get sad , I drown in sorrow .it has been hard for me to socialise with anyone after what we had .I don't see a reason why I have to be with anyone else that isn't Adrian but at the same he keeps rejecting my love and deepening the wound he's caused , maybe I open it up by constantly thinking about him or trying to talk to him about us getting back together .

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