Nala Notices Kion Isn't Moving And Rafiki declares Kion Dead

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One Day, During Nala's Pregnancy, She Noticed Kion Wasn't moving around as much as he usually does

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One Day, During Nala's Pregnancy, She Noticed Kion Wasn't moving around as much as he usually does. "That's strange... Normally Kion would be moving around when I walk." Nala Said. "Kion? Please Wake Up." Nala Said Shaking Her Belly. She Shook Her Belly to try to wake Kion Up. Normally Kion would wake up and move but this time was completely different. Baby Kion didn't wake up. "Hmmm... I Think Kion is in a deep sleep..." Nala Said. Little did she know was that Kion, the cub inside of her belly, was not sleeping at all. He was actually dead. "Simba! I've Noticed Kion Isn't Moving Around! I Don't Know What's really wrong." Nala Said. "Did you get anyone to check his heart was beating?" Simba Asked. "I didn't get anyone to check his heartbeat." Nala Said. "Rafiki! Zazu! Nala Just Told Me Kion Isn't Moving Around As Much As He Should!" Simba Said. "Hmmm... Let Me Check His Heartbeat..." Rafiki Said. He Laid On Nala's Belly And tried to listen to Kion's Heartbeat. Tears shone in his eyes and he was shocked. "Simba... Nala... I'm afraid to say this but your baby Kion is Dead..." Rafiki Said. "Wait WHAT?! THIS IS A DREAM! TELL ME IT IS RAFIKI!" Simba Said. "YOU'RE DOUNG IT WRONG RAFIKI! DO IT AGAIN, DO IT AGAIN, DO IT AGAIN!" Nala Screamed. Rafiki did it again and confirmed Kion has no Heartbeat. "I'm so sorry for your loss..." Rafiki Said. "YOU'RE JOKING! RAFIKI! WE LOST KOPA AND WE CAN'T LOSE KION TOO!" Simba Yelled. "I wish this was a prank... But it's not..." Rafiki Said. Nala Went To Simba And Screamed The Same Things:






"WAKE ME UP! PLEASE!" Nala Screamed. "I Can't Believe This... 1st My Father... Then My Mother... Then Kopa And Now Kion?" Simba Said. The Royal Family Didn't want to believe that Kion was now dead... But they have been having these thoughts pacing trough their minds...

"What Would A Stillborn Lion Cub Look Like?"

"Could He Come Back To Life And Wake Up Again?"

"Will He Stay This Way Forever?"

It was so hard for the Royal Family to process something like this. Nobody Knew This Would Even Happen Because Nala had such a healthy pregnancy with Kion and they didn't know if something happened... They didn't know if Kion became sick or something... They just cried endlessly and now they were going to wait for Kion to be born. Kiara ran into the den and saw both her parents curled up crying. "Mom! Dad! What Happened?" Kiara Asked scooting closer to Simba and Nala. "Kiara, it's bad news... Your baby brother Kion has passed away in the womb..." Simba Said. "No! He Can't Have Passed Away..." Kiara Said. "I Wish I Could be lying to you... but it's the truth..." Simba Said. "No! No! No! He Couldn't Have Passed Away! There Was Nothing Wrong With Him!" Kiara Said. "Unfortunately, We Don't know if there was something wrong. Nobody knows what happened to Kion that caused him to pass away. "But he can't pass away just like that..." Kiara Said. "I'm so sorry, but it's true..." Simba Said. Kiara crawled towards Nala's shoulder and cried there. Simba and Nala couldn't help but cry too. Simba nuzzled Nala as tears flowed down the eyes of the 3 lions.

 Simba nuzzled Nala as tears flowed down the eyes of the 3 lions

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The whole royal family was saddened by this. They were so sad that Kion has passed away now... They even felt so guilty for it because now not only was he dead, but it meant that once Kion is born, he'd be stillborn. That made a very emotional moment for the whole family.

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