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Today was going to be a really busy day for me

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Today was going to be a really busy day for me. The first day i start Chilton. I hope not to see that weird guy who was calling me Suzy and i really hope all the girls there aren't stuck up jerks.

But theres only one way to know,
I smile at myself in the mirror pleased at my looks and the way i did my makeup today. It looked so pretty.
I put on my perfume and jewelry and hurry down stairs.

The smell of grits and pancakes was avid. My favorite breakfast of all time.

I had some extra time so i sat at the counter and turned on the Tv.

"Good morning, Hilda."

"Good morning, hun. Food'll be done in a minute."

I hum in response.


Im on my way out the door and my mom running late behind me. Shes always late like whats wrong with her. But she was always there for me and I mean, what more could i ask for?

It was already fall when i got here and the leaves i found so pretty. A little misty or foggy, but that didnt matter to me. I loved the feeling and the scenery.

Sooner or later we were there. At Chilton. To be honest i was freaked. I didnt known if id survive here. If i do it'll be pure luck. But i cant judge a book by its cover just yet can i?

"Lets go mom." She hurries out of the car with me. Into the principal's office we go.

"Ready?" My mom asks beside me.

"Uh, im not sure. I hope so." I cross my arms.
"Im nervous.. ive never started a new school."

"Well, now you are and youll just have to get used to it. Take your time, don't let anyone disrespect you, just be yourself. And step out of your comfort zone."

"My comfort zone?" I mock.
" i dont even have one yet. Im not comfortable here."

"Good point." She agrees, and we both share a laugh.


By the time my mom and the Principal were done talking i was walking through the halls pinned as the new girl.

No one knew me.. not much different than how it used to be at my old school. But i had a definite group of friends talked to them at lunch.. not much after.

However... the friends i did talk to out of class were the best.

I sigh, i can feel it. This year will, be a good year.

I scurry to find my locker, finally reaching the hall with my number range. I tap every locker counting down to mine and almost tap the person who's leaning on the locker next to mine.

You couldnt guess who it was! I bet you $500 you couldnt guess who was loitering by my locker.

"Oh!? Suzy! Funny seein you here.. thought you uh.. went to 'another school' near Stars Hollow." He chuckles.

Super - Natural Girl  Tristan Dugray x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now