1 | Morning coffee

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I've always liked the coffee they have here

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I've always liked the coffee they have here. Infinite Caffeine. I even like the shop's name.

Infinite Caffeine recently opened, maybe around two months ago. It was only a five-minute walk from my workplace, so I always stopped by before and after work.

It's seven in the evening, and I managed to finish the presentation I made for tomorrow. As per my routine for two months, I entered Infinite Caffeine, and the smell of coffee greeted me.

"Sweet Brew-"

"-Iced. The size is large. Right, Miss Aia?" Kurono said as he popped out beside Irinaka, the cashier. Kurono was one of the baristas in the café.

I let out a light chuckle and nodded my head. Irinaka rolled his eyes and growled at Kurono. The white-haired barista had already left and prepared my coffee.

I gave my money to Irinaka, who gave me a waiting number. I said my thanks and left to get myself a spot to rest.

I always sat near the window, where I could see the sky and the people passing by. It allows me to know how long I've stayed in the café by witnessing the deep of the night.

I began to wonder who owned the café. They came up with a witty name, and their coffee was beyond my expectations. I loved the interior design that matched that of a traditional house.

Looking back, I never caught a glimpse of the owner. It mainly was Irinaka, Kurono, and their part-time servers, Nemoto and Setsuno. Currently, Nemoto was the one serving the coffee.

"One large Sweet Brew, Iced," Nemoto said and placed the cup on the table. Before he could leave, I called his attention.

"Hey, uhm, I haven't seen the owner here. I really wanted to tell him how great the coffee is." I said, a bit nervous since Nemoto wasn't really the type to smile around customers.

"He's been busy building connections to find cheaper ingredients. It might take a while for him to greet customers personally. Don't worry. I'll send him a message about your satisfaction with our coffee. He'd like that." Nemoto said. He wasted no time and bowed curtly and left to the counter.

"I see, thank you," I said, although Nemoto had already left me alone. I sipped on my cup and then let it down on the table. I released a low hum.

By the sound of it, the owner must be a hardworking man.

My curiosity grew, and I wondered what kind of person the owner was. He created such a great business. Was he a barista before at a famous café? Did he take up culinary? Was he a business major?

All my thoughts about the owner cascaded to my presentation for tomorrow. It was another marketing strategy for a new product that the company would launch.

It was a great company with lots of sales. Not to brag, the CEO complimented me on how my marketing strategies have helped the company grow. It was precisely that reason why I have coworkers that feel ill towards me.

It didn't take long for me to finish my coffee, and I grabbed my things to leave.

"Thank you, Miss Aia! Come again!" Kurono greeted me from the counter. I returned a smile and bowed. I left the café and walked towards the bus stop.

I was checking the insides of my bag, looking for my wallet in the midst of the crowded sidewalk. My shoulders bumped with firm ones, and my head took a swift turn to apologize to them.

"I'm sorry!" I said with an apologetic look.

However, the man I bumped into had his eyebrows creased in annoyance. He merely bowed and left. He was a tall man wearing a black suit and a black mask and had a visible tattoo peeking out from his neck.

Geez, I apologized, yet I received a nasty glare. They did say good looks don't equate to a good personality.

I lingered my eyes on his back for a while until I could only see a glimpse of him entering Infinite Caffeine.

Huh, maybe he had a meeting to attend.

I forgave him in my mind and proceeded to the bus stop.


The next day, at seven in the morning, I stopped by Infinite Caffeine for a morning drink.

"Good morning, Miss Aia!" Kurono greeted. Irinaka elbowed him on the sides, and Kurono grunted. "Fucking noisy early in the morning." Irinaka cursed.

I chuckled at them. "Good morning, Kurono, Irinaka. One iced Sweet Brew. Large, please." I said.

As I was about to grab my wallet, I was surprised to see Kurono grab a large take-out cup on the counter. As if he had already made it before I told him my order.

"Tada!" Kurono exclaimed.

"I heard from Nemoto that you wanted to talk to our boss about our coffee. Lucky for you, he actually got home yesterday right after you left. I also told him about you, and I knew you'd come here at this time." Kurono said.

He made an exaggerated gesture and pointed at the cup. "And so, he brewed this for you!" Kurono cheered.

I could feel my cheeks getting warm at the gesture, and I grinned. "Really? What an honor! Is he still here?" I asked, paying for the coffee.

Kurono rubbed his nape. His eyes met Irinaka's and shifted to the back door. "Nah, he already left. He's out again for some business." Kurono replied.

I frowned. I wanted to thank him in person. The owner himself made my morning coffee! It was something charming for me.

"Oh, I see. If it's not a bother, may I ask for his name?"

"Chisaki. But we all call him 'boss' here." Kurono answered me, and I smiled in return.

"Thank you. Please do tell him that I appreciate this. It really means a lot to me that he made my coffee." I said and took the cup in my hand.

Kurono gave me a thumbs-up. "Alright! Have a good day, Miss Aia!"

I waved my farewell to both Kurono and Irinaka. I opened the door to leave, and before the door closed, I heard Kurono's voice.

"You saw her, right, boss? I saw you peeking!"

INFINITE CAFFEINE  ༘ chisaki kai (overhaul)Where stories live. Discover now