Halloween Special, PT. 1

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~(Y/N)'s POV~

I smiled as Papyrus helped my string up lights around Lily's house. House was the wrong word- MANSION. Yes, a mansion. She had become a successful influencer as well as a veterinarian and artist. Yeah, way more successful than I was... "(Y/N), ARE YOU ALRIGHT? YOU LOOK SAD." "Huh? Oh, I'm fine, Papy!" Papyrus's face turned a bit red and he offered a small smile, making me laugh a bit. He was so cute for someone so incredibly tall. Papyrus and I continued to string up the lights, with Sans nowhere to be seen.

Lily went to get Abby, Ren, and Aliza while me and the skelebros were tasked with starting setup. Halloween was tomorrow, after all. I got off the ladder and tried putting it up, but stumbled. Papyrus caught both me and the ladder, his huge hand covering a large portion of my back. "(Y/N)! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, Papy! Thanks for saving me." Before he could respond, Sans walked into the room, his jacket gone. "Ya finished? Good. I need ta talk ta someone, so could ya two finish up? Thanks." 

Sans walked outside, pulling out his phone. I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room, starting the setup of the table with food and drinks. Papyrus walked back, crouching down to my height. "(Y/N)?" "Hm?" "WHAT SIZE ARE YOU?" "U-Uh...(insert clothing size)...why?" Papyrus smiled and left, with nothing being said. What the hell, did they both ditch me?! As I was about to scream curses, the three kids and Lily came in the door, carrying grocery bags. "Heya, kiddos!" I said, smiling. Abby put her bags down and ran to me, her soft golden hair waving behind her. "HI!"

I picked her up and held her close, giggles erupting as I nuzzled her with my nose. She was an adorable little girl, and I knew one day she was going to be very beautiful. Ren walked over, Aliza with him, hand in hand. I shot a smirk, making his face heat up. "S-Sibi, it's-" "You're dating?" Aliza beamed and nodded. "Mhm! We're gonna go as ketchup and mustard!" I started laughing, feeling my eyes burn as tears built up. "N-No way! Really?!" Ren's face heated up and he crossed his arm, all pouty. Lily spoke up, smirking. "Oh yeah, we already got the costumes!"

I snickered, hearing the door open. Sans walked in with another skeleton- one I hadn't met, yet. He wore black, baggy sweats with yellow flowers, a white undershirt, a blue zip-up jacket, brown sandals with white socks, and a straw hat hanging from his neck. His navy blue gloves were being tugged at nervously as his lime green eye lights met my own (E/C) eyes. "Who're you?" I asked, trying not to sound as suspicious as I was. 

"U-Uh, name's F-Farm, uh..." Sans smiled a bit and rubbed his neck. "He's tha friend I mentioned at brunch with Lily..." Lily beamed, holding a hand out. "Nice to meet ya, Farm! I'm Lily!" Farm took her hand and seemed to hesitate before actually shaking it. I raised an eyebrow. "Huh." "W-What?" Farm asked, fear evident. I walked closer, looking his dead in his sockets. "You two would be a cute couple, that's all." Farm's face turned bright green with Sans's turned red.

Suspicions confirmed- they were totally dating. "Aw, I knew you had a boyfriend, Sans!" Aliza said, beaming. Lily sighed and fished twenty bucks out of her pocket, handing them to me. "Damnit...I kinda thought he was cute..." I pocketed the cash and smirked. "I told you he was queer! I attract the gays, Lily." "I'm straight!" I blinked twice, giving her a look of doubt. She groaned and smacked my arm, which was sure to leave a mark. 

Papyrus came back from...wherever...with two bags in his hand. He handed me one, beaming. "I GOT YOUR COSUTME, (Y/N)!" I went to open it, but his large hand grabbed my smaller ones. "NOT YET, SILLY! WAIT UNTIL TONIGHT'S HALLOWEEN PARTY!" I smiled and nodded, tying the bag up. As we continued setting up, Sans and Farm had gone into the kitchen, asking me to come with them. We stared at each other before Sans chuckled awkwardly.

"We, uh...need ta start cookin'..." I snapped out of my weird trance and nodded, starting to get all the ingredients to make a few brownies. Sans and Farm were making spooky marshmallow and rice cereal treats while Aliza was decorating cookies. Lily was making punch while Ren and Abby were making eyeball-shaped ice cubes. Well, they were painting freezable plastic spheres with non-toxic paint. 

Farm and Sans continued talking quietly, but I noticed they would lean into each other ever so slightly, their faces heating with blush. "So gay..." Sans overheard me and tossed a marshmallow at me, which Aliza jumped for. It startled me how quickly she flew across the room to practically inhale it. "W-What the-" "Heh, she really likes sweets." I blinked before going back to mixing. Suddenly, a large gloved hand was on top of mine. The red hue gave it away as Papyrus. Jeez, he was awfully touchy today...

"WE CAN BAKE TOGETHER, (Y/N). I-IF YOU WANT, THAT IS..," he muttered, his cheek bones glowing a soft red. Papyrus was...gosh, he was cute. Wait what- "No, stop it..," I mumbled, Papyrus flinching. "S-STOP?" "N-No no! Me, I was talking to me! I need to stop thinking!" "Y-YOU NEED TO WHAT?" I covered my face, slowly becoming more and more flustered. To think I'd suddenly clam up over something so stupid...

"Ya shouldn't get so close to 'em, Paps. Yer makin' 'em flustered." I didn't know if Sans was trying to embarrass me or not, but either way, it...didn't. He said it in a way that didn't make it feel like I was getting turned on at all, but just mildly uncomfortable. Papyrus's grip loosened and he backed off. "Don't look so sad, Papyrus!" Aliza said, hugging his leg. When I turned to look at him, tears had begun rolling down his face. 

"P-Papyrus? What's wrong?" I asked, gently touching his arm. "I-I'm Sorry For Upsetting Y-You," he said, crying more.

Date: 10/30/22 23:12

Word Count: 1030

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