First Day

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"Alex!!" mom called

I didn't reply as if I didn't hear her.

"Alex come down stairs I have some news for you." She shouted again

"What" I said while slowly going down the stairs. As soon as I saw my mom, Right that second I knew it was a bad news. The tears went down her cheeks.

"What happend mom your scaring me." I said quitly.

I started to panic.

"It, it's" she kept on repeating.

''What mom? is it dad'?I asked worried.

"No Its not your dad" she said.

"Then who is it mom" I asked impatiently

"It not who, it's what I got fired" she said sadly.

"It's okay mom you can find a better job" I said incouraging her.

"Yeh I know darling I already found a job but it's not here " she said.

"Mom don't say we're moving " I said.

"Unfortunately we have to, But u can visit ur friends anytime you want" she said.

I ran upstairs crying, Not tears of joy, But tears of conveution fear.

"I have no choice we have to earn some money, Honey everything is going to be okay" she wisperd.

She held my hand and started to cry on my shoulders

"Please tell me it's going to be okay Alex," She said "I'm trying my best to do everything but I just can't handle it anymore"she said while crying.

"Mom it's going to be alright" I said if we just work together. I said while gently laying on her shoulder.

Good night honey, she gently kissed my cheeks and slowly closed the Door and shot the light off.

The next day#

"Alex!!" My mom yelled

"I'm almost ready" I shouted back I was excited but at the same time scared. I'm scared because 1st I'm the new kid at school 2nd I'm going to have new friends and "Alex" mom interuppted my thoughts.

"Coming" I said. I rushed in to the car put my seat belt on, And slowly put my head on the window

"Are you okay honey."

"Yah why wouldn't I be" I responded with the cracking voice.

After a really longdrive.

"where here" mom said.

I got out of the car my mouth dropped open, And my eyes couldn't belive what it saw.

"Wait , "are we going to live here I said with shock on my face.

" Sadly we have to," she said.

I stepped in to the house it was cold, like at the end of the spring after the forest. There was all types of junk debris around the house. It was scary nightmares

"Mom I can't live in this house " I shouted, I can't handle it, "1st it's to scary and 2nd it looks hunted."

"Come on Alex you're a big girl," my mom said. now go to ur room and start to on pack you're clothes.

"Okay mom," I said wiping my tears off of my cheeks.

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