(( VoreTober )) day 29

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Reader POV

Darkness is the only thing I remember after that.

I felt like I was sitting on something hard and there was a bag over my head that was blocking my view. Around me I could smell various smells like roast chicken or roast cold cuts.

Not knowing why I had my hands tied with something that felt like a string. But why would anyone do that to me? I don't remember having any enemies.

Suddenly I heard someone move but I couldn't see him.

Hello!? Can anyone hear me..?!! Please help me!!- I started screaming and shaking. The only thing I heard was someone hit something like a table, and then I turned into something that tasted like maple syrup.

Anti POV

Everything was already ready, thanks to my puppet ego. They've been my puppets for weeks and they're doing what he tells them. Today I had a wonderful guest who is Soán. He was supposed to see who he couldn't work with.

Soán was strapped to the chair across from me, he was unconscious, but soon he and our new snack will know it's going to be an unforgettable evening.

Reader POV

When I tried to get up, all of a sudden my headband was taken off. Then I could see that I was lying on a silver platter and all around me was a lot of food and I was in it.

But how?! how is it possible?!!- When I was about to get up, the lid opened my eyes so I had to close my eyes from the sudden light.

Then you start to panic. Why was I so small and tied up? And why am I lying on a plate of food among the other dishes on the big table?!

Hey!! where am I !! Please someone help me- I started screaming when a huge figure appeared in front of me who was decidedly not human. He had a light green skin a huge slit on his neck, black claws and was dressed all in black.

Anti POV

When the lid was uncovered, I could see it. It was really small and fine which means Marvin's spell however work.

I could see he was terrified. It's hard for him to be surprised.

I heard Soán was waking up, so I went over to him.

H͜el͟lo͡ ҉So͜án.͝.̨ ̷ I'm gl̕àd̀ yo͏u ͏fin͢all̛y̡ f͘ound t҉h̛e ̸t҉i͡m̧e̴ f̨or u̶s̢..- There was a murderous smile on my face. I saw he was scared.

An͏d͝ yo̕ú ́kn͏o̧w̡.͘.. I̕ ̛gơt ̡t͟h̡i͝ş ͏thing͘ ju͡st ̨fo͠r you͘..- Thanks to my power, the other trays moved to the side and showed us our new little snack.

Soán POV

I don't know how I got here, but somehow the anti-my alter ego tied me to a chair. I don't know what he wanted from me, but he made it look like an elegant feast for him.

When the plates moved away, my heart froze. There was a little tied-up person on the tray, I don't know how old she was, but she was really young.

W-what did you d-do to h-him? - I looked at Anti but he just shrugged his shoulders. -- N̛o̧thin̶g͝ conc̕re͏te ͏b̡u̧t̨ that's ̵no͘t t̷h̡e ̵po̡in̴t... I ͏wànt̕ ͟you͟ ͠t͠o͟ d͜o͝ s͝omethi̧ng҉ ̕f̀o̡r̨ m͝e̢.- When Anti moved to the little person spoon and lifted it to the pacifier all wet from some sauce.

S̖͐̀a͊̕ȳ ͈͞A͔a̢̲͋a̝͛.̛ͧ.̌ ̴̐

Reader POV

Wait!! No, no, no, please... - I tried to fight, but the demon won't let me, and he put me on a spoon and put me in front of another person who looks just like him.

Then I started it it was Jacksepticeye!!

The demon pushed me closer to him, but Jack tried to defend himself.

Unfortunately, the demon didn't have that much patience, so he quickly opened Jack's mouth wide with his other hand.

Wait!! No, please, you don't have to do thi... mphmm!!

When the demon opened Jack's mouth wide, it momentarily put me in his mouth.

Jack leaned his head back, the demon took the spoon and quickly closed Jack's mouth.

O̴h͡ you s̀ee..͞ ͡ W͘a̵sn'͜t͜ ͠tha͡t̡ ͜del̛i̸c͜i͘òus? Iş ͞it͏ a̕m͠az̷ing ̀th҉a̕t̢ you'rȩ ͝ta̷s͡t̢íng̴ ýou̕r fa҉ņ right nòw? ́- In the fog, I heard the voice of the Demon. Jack's tongue tasted me, but at the same time it kept me far from my teeth.

I heard all kinds of noises coming from Jack's belly, and I kept trying not to be there.

Mhmmp. Mhmhmp. - His tongue tasted me the whole time pushing me back and forth. He licked my whole body I tried to catch his tongue but all I got was a blow to his palate.




Ńow͡ s̕w͡all͏ow͞!

Suddenly my heart froze.

NO! Wait... Jack!! Please don't do th.. mhmmp!!

I felt Jack leaning his head backwards and being forced to swallow me whole!!

His throat ran to my body! then I felt that the string suddenly let go and I could already move normally.. I tried to stay in his throat, so I pressed on his throat muscles, but all I got was someone touching his throat and sliding me down into his stomach!

Anti POV

I touched his throat. I felt the fan press on his neck. So I helped him down. I saw him disappear behind his clavicles.

Ahh҉h͢ ̢a̕nd d̡ơn͝e̷.̛.͞ it ̴w̡asn'͢t ͢sò ba͡d͡..͟ . I'̨d͢ ̵ad̶v͟i͢se̛ y̢óu ͞t͢o͝ ͝ge̸t͡ úse̡d to͝ it͠..͡. ͝bec͢au͠se̡ you̵'r̡e go͘n͞n͝a ha̢v͜e͟ a ̢r̴e̡p̵ea͠t ̀s͏o̧on̵...

Sęe ̡y͘ou̸ soo͠n ̡Soán..

Soán POV

After he said that, I instantly moved to my bedroom house.

I looked at my stomach and there was a small lump that was moving.

I fell on my knees and I felt very sick... when I touched my stomach I felt him...

I felt his every kick, his every touch, and I heard a silent voice of terror.

I'm sorry! I'm so terribly sorry... I had no choice...- with tears in my eyes I touched him lightly and felt more kicks.

I promise I'll let you out of there... I don't know how yet, but I won't let you die in there!!



1078 words.

I hope you like it

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