Chapter Seventeen The Date Dun Dun Dunnnn

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I left to go get ready for the date tonight. I grabbed my bag and jumped inside it to reveal a huge room. I walked towards my closet looking for clothes. 'Well I should probably get nice clothes seeing how this is a date...maybe do my hair too...I most likely won't though.' I had a whole conversation with myself while getting the clothes I needed. After thirty minutes of searching, I couldn't choose between the feathery black dress and the plain blue dress.

After a bit, of decided on choosing the Black and blue ombre with crescent moons on it. I looked at the time and saw that I only had four hours before I had to go so I decided to do my hair. Once I finished doing my hair I had one more hour till the date. So I got some flowers and jewelry for Mihawk and Shanks. I got black, blue, and white flowers for Mihawk and red, gold, and black for Shanks. A for chain Mihawk and a black diamond ring for Shanks.

I put the gifts in packages and looked at the time seeing that I only had fifteen minutes until the date started. I also grabbed a basket full of food and booze bottles also can't forget the sake. After I got all of the things that I needed I got out of my bag and headed toward the left side of the island. By the time I reached the other side of the island, I was right on time...but Shanks and Mihawk were already there.

I saw them in their suits. "Well don't you two gentlemen look dashing tonight." I smiled walking toward them.

The two of them quickly turned their heads and Shanks's jaw dropped while Mihawk simply tried to hide his blush by putting his hand over his mouth.

I chuckled at their reactions. "Ah yes gaze at my beauty and complement me so my ego can grow!" I said smiling a bit.

They both laughed at my statement. "Anyway, are we going to get this date started?" Shanks asked.

I smiled while Mihawk simply gave him a quick nod. The three of us sat down and talked about some stuff like what happened the past few months we haven't seen each other. Then Shanks brought up the idea of some games we could play.

Shanks gasped. "What if we play...TAG!" He smiled brightly.

Mihawk scoffed. "I still see you act like a child Akagami." He said in a slightly bitter tone.

I was dumbfounded. "Now I see where Luffy gets his stupidity from," I mumble to myself.

I looked at the sky. "What if we play Knights and Dragon." I thought out loud.

The two of them stared at me.

Shanks tilted his head. "Knights and Dragons?" He asked with excitement present in his eyes.

Mihawk sighed. "Well, it's not as childish as Akagami's request."

Shanks turned his head at neck-breaking speed. "HEY! TAG IS NOT CHILDISH!" Shanks crossed his arms.

I hn'd. "Knights and Dragons is a game I used to play with Luffy and his brothers." I smiled at the thought of playing the game with the three brothers.

Shanks smiled when I said Luffy's name. "Oh by the way Y/N How is Luffy?" He tilted his head.

Mihawk's interest was slightly peaked when Shanks asked me not knowing I joined Luffy's crew.

I scratch the back o my neck and sigh before saying." Well to be honest I haven't talked to or even seen Luffy in a while." I said buckling at my own procrastination. "But last time I was with him he was doing fine."

Shanks nodded his head satisfied with my answer. "So are we still gonna play tag?" Shanks said still nodding his head.

I and Mihawk looked at each other then looked at Shanks. "...No." We both answered simultaneously.

Mihawk looked to the side of me and asked. "What is in the basket Y/N?" He looked towards me.

I jolted shocked that I forgot about the food drinks and presents. "I almost forgot here it's for the two of you." I gave them the Basket.


Mihawk was lying against a tree and my head was in his lap as he gently dressed my face and gave me a head massage. Shanks was cuddling into my said as I had one of my arms wrapped around him and smiled. The moon was almost in eh middle of the sky so I had to get up. The two looked at me when I got up.

Shanks tilted his head. "You're not leaving so soon are you?" He whined.

I sighed. "I'll come and visit you two someday," I said turning around and about to leave when I felt something tug on me.

I looked back and saw it was Mihawk. I smiled at him then he did the unthinkable. Mihawk pushed his lips against mine and kissed me. My eyes widen and Shanks jumps up and runs toward us. Shanks snatched Mihawk away from me and Shanks Pushed his lips against mine and also kissed me too. Shanks pulled away after a couple of seconds.

My face flared up and I flew away from the island searching for the sent of the going merry.


I DID IT AND NOW TO imma have to actually start writing the sky peia arc.....NOOOOOOOOOO THE SUMMIT WAR SAGA IS COMING UP SOON.....We'll have to say goodbye to Ace forever.

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