Chapter III: A New Companion

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In the morning, the beach looked beautiful like an old day, but suddenly he found two legs that wore shoes from 1st Street Lifeguard Tower. He went toward them closely and said "Sir, are you alright? Why are you hiding there?" He poked its shoes until he saw a marsupial creature named Crash Bandicoot, he looked scare and sad. "What kind a creature is this?!" Wanderer said. Crash Bandicoot couldn't talk except he said "Woah! Woah! Woah!" He could make a sign language to him, but he couldn't understand what he said. He think and found a way to communicate him by giving him note and pencil. He could write it and gave him that said:

Wow! A perfect human being! What's your name? Where did you come from? Where are your family? When did you born? Did you survive bomb?

Wanderer was glad to see sentences from Crash's note, he answered his questions, until he asked him: "Where is your family? Do you have sister or brother? And how did you and your sister travel this wasteland?" Crash was sad and wrote to his note for 10 minutes, he gave him a long note that said:

I have my sister names Coco, she is my important relationship. We used a time rift to travel this city since 2 months ago. We played together in the beach, gathered foods, drank the water and slept together inside of Lifeguard Tower. I woke up in the morning and suddenly my sister was gone! I looked my tower and every place, but I couldn't. I cried and hid this place until you showed up. Did you feel that you lose someone?

"It seems I lost my parents too Crash, I know we have the same pain to lose someone but my mother said that we must keep our life on, find and build a good future." Wanderer replied to his question on his note. "How about you join me to explore this ruins city, it could be fun and maybe we can find your sister." He said. Crash was happy and replied his question by answering through the note:

Woah! Woah! I want to join with you!! I want to explore this city with you!!!

"Gladto hear it. Alright, prepare your bag and shoes, because we will search manystuffs in ruin of buildings." Wanderer said. Crash gave him thumb up, andprepared his main supply especially his signature shoes. They were ready toexplore ruin of buildings, but in the front of them, there was a man with hissniper to see two living things: Man and Creature. He smiled that his job fromMr. Burke to catch two special mutants: Crash Bandicoot and Coco Bandicoot. Hereported to him to his main base: Indian Creek Country Club. Mr. Burke and hisarmy of Legion had goal to blow up the nuclear bomb in the centre of MiamiWasteland that had been undetonated after Nuclear Annihilation.

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