Author's Note :3

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Hey minna! I hope you enjoy my first fanfiction story! If you are looking for something super romantic, don't look here, although there will be super cute nalu, gale, and gruvia parts, this focuses on nakama as well xD

Some background: Team Natsu took an S-Class mission with Erza that paid 900,000 J to take down a dangerous magical kraken that was threatening the port town of Hargeon. The mission proved difficult, but they got through it after a long battle. Now they return to Magnolia, where it is snowy at the time, which is perfect after the long, scorching days in Hargeon. But why is it snowing in the beginning of fall?

Message or comment me if you recommend anything or just want to say hey!

PS: I will be writing a new chapter every few days, they will not be short, but not super long. Planning on ten chapters, but we will see.

P.P.S: The whole story is finished being checked and edited so it is in its final form. Enjoy!

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