Chapter 2 :save a kid?

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{the photos not mine}
At the abandoned building
Saturday 7:55 am
No one POV:

Takeomi : *ahem now that we finished introduce ourselves, its time for you to talk now, what with you to call a meeting in morning like that.

Shinichiro : right! But is it okay for you sister to be here?

Takemichi : ah! Now that you mention it I only tagged along to know here more and also to buy some grocery, I should start to go now! Bye Omi Shin-san Waka-san Benkei-san!! she said that as she start to run toward the exit

Benkei : hey Omi, is she going to be okay don't she just say she new here? He ask with a hint of worries

Takeomi : she will be fine, she can protect herself besides she learned martial arts since she was a kid. And Shin Waka!! Stop stared at her she already going. He said as he glaring at his two friends antics

Wakasa : Omi, can I have her number?

Shinichiro : me too! me too!

Takeomi : just shut up and start the meeting already!!

[ Time skip ]
Takemichi POV:

( Hmm....what should I buy next? I already have meats vegetables and all the other necessary stuff, alright I will buy some snacks and toys for Sen-chan and Haru-chan then it's not my money anyway ) after I finished buy all of its I started to walk to my house since its almost afternoon I need to make lunch for my siblings they probably already hungry now. ( huh? What are they doing ganging on a kid? )

: Hey!! What are you doing!! I shouts as all kids about 10-12 years old start to run away when they saw me

: hey kid, you okay there? I ask the kid tries to be gentle with my voice not to sound to harsh

??? : I'm o-okay, thanks you for helping me!
He said and bow to me

: its alright no need to bow, why are you alone anyway where are you parents?( Hmm.... Maybe I should have not ask that question because he face start to darken now I should change the subject ) as I was about to speak

??? : T-They not here a-anymore *hic  they d-died..... maybe they a-are right I'm a c-cursed *hic that why they died at the car a-accident. after that he just started crying well luckily enough today it seems most peoples don't came here

——————————//Time skip\\————————
Third person POV :

Michi : So~ you calm down yet?

??? : mhm.....thanks you and I'm sorry for my outburst....

Michi : its fine its fine~ right forgot to introduce myself! My name is Akashi Takemichi!

??? : I-I'm Hitto Kakuchou nice to meet you miss

Michi : hey! Don't call me that it make me feel old, just call me nee-chan or Michi

Kakuchou : t-then Michi née-san?

Michi : mhmm....Fine~

Takemichi POV :

( that I get to properly look at him he has black hair a prominent scar running from the back of his skull to the leftmost side of his face that slightly touches the corner of his left visually impaired eye. He has firm S-shaped eyebrows? the scar most be from the accident seriously fated most be so cruel he so young yet already lost both he parents....)

(Wait both parents?? Then why he here aren't he supposed to be in an orphanage?)

: Kaku-chan do you know where you lived its you do I will bring you there.

Kakuchou : I know it the orphan near Roppongi.

:....... Kaku-chan do you know where this is?

Kakuchou : no?

: it Shibuya.

Kakuchou : eh?......


Alright chapter 2 done now, I'm sorry it this is bad this is my first story and it don't follow the story in the manga and anime I'm sorry again TnT

Alright chapter 2 done now, I'm sorry it this is bad this is my first story and it don't follow the story in the manga and anime I'm sorry again TnT

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And this is what our Kaku-chan look right now he about 5-6 years old I guess?(or it is too young?)

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