Chapter 3 : The siblings

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11:23 am
Takemichi POV :

( why am I standing in front of my house and a kid holding my hand?)

————————|| Flashback ||———————

Third person POV :
9:53 am

Kakuchou I'm that far from the orphanage?! Oh no what should I do, the director of the orphanage say to return at evening!! He started to worries when he done saying that and it looks like he about to cry when someone start to speak

Michi : hey it fine I will take you to the orphanage, my house is between Shibuya and Roppongi!! I can just take you there when I done checking my younger siblings. She said and smile brightly to the small kid who just blush and look away

—————|| Back to the present ||—————

Takemichi POV:

(Right I said I will take him to orphanage when I'm done checking my siblings) I start to walk to entrances and call my siblings, it seem like Kaku-chan also follows behind my back.
: Sen-chan! Haru-chan! I'm back!! Footsteps could be heard running

??? : Michi née-chan!!

??? : Née-Chan !!!

(Ahhh what is this they are so cute coming to see me like this!!)
: right I'm back I also brought a friend over. I sit down so it easy for me to talk to them

??? : a friend?

??? : ......

: yes a friend this is Hitto Kakuchou! After I introduce him he start to walk out behind my back so they can see him

??? : Hello I'm Akashi Senju!! She said and smile proudly as she has done something awesome (mhm my sister is just so cute!!)

??? :.............Akashi Haruchiyo......... (...and it seem like Haru-chan is the total opposite of Sen-chan than but it's okay because my Haru-chan is still cute)

Third person POV:

Senju : wow look he has a scar too!! She said excitedly as she point to the scar at Kakuchou eyes

Kakuchou : w-what you not afraid of these s-scar? He ask looks like he about to cry and to confirm it is true that she not afraid of his scar

Senju : OF COURSE NOT!! Why would I afraid when Haru-nii also have scars on his face. She said and a flash of guilt flash past her and of course this also got notice by a certain blue eyes girl

Haruchiyo : and who's fault is that. He say in a lower voice but still can hear by the people near him

Senju : I already say sorry!! She said to him already has teary eyes and he about to complain back when someone lift her up

Michi : alright Sen-chan don't cry I will make you some mint ice-creams for you okay. She said with a smile

Senju : R-really? She ask with a teary eyes

Michi : yes, really. She answer and make a pinky promise to secures her that she will not lied

Michi : are you calmed down yet Sen-chan? She ask with a small smile

Senju : mhmm! I'm good now. She answered with a close eyes smile

Michi : alright then take Kaku-chan to play okay, I will go make us some lunch to eat. She tell her sister and put her down so she can go to play with her new friend

Senju : Okay~ come on Kaku-chan!! She said and take Kakuchou hand run to the park near the house to play

Kakuchou : O-okay! I will be going now Michi née-san. as he starts running he shout back and waving his hands

Michi : be careful and come back before 12 o'clock for lunch!! She shout to the two kids who already running far away

—————————|| Time Skip ||———————
In the kitchen
Third person POV:
10:46 am

Michi : alright done with the lunch!! ......But Haru-chan can you stop hugging my legs now? She ask the kid who hug her legs

Haruchiyo : but you don't pay attention to me you only pay attention to Senju. He said with a pout

Michi : yes, I'm sorry because she the youngest and besides she almost cry so I have to pay attention to her okay? She said and start to lift Haruchiyo off her legs to hug him

Haruchiyo : So? She speaking of my scars you also know I'm still not comfortable about that topic. He said still pouting

Michi : But she already say sorry and don't she trying to be a better sister now? She ask and start to walking to the living room with the boy who still in her arms

Haruchiyo : she did, but I will not forgive her that easily just because of a apology. He said and hugging his sister neck more tightly

Michi : mhm~ I understand, then how about this tonight we will sleeping together just the two of us okay? She ask him with a smile and walking toward the couch

Haruchiyo : really?! He ask with a star in his eyes still in his sister arms

Michi : yea really. She answers with a close eyes smile and sit down on the couch, put her brother between her lap and open the TV to watch some short movies since the kids not back from playing yet


Alrighty done chapter 3 TwT
And thanks you so much for reading this story at first I don't expect peoples to read this so really thank you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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