Chapter 8:

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'Where are you going?' Terzo asks.

'I have someone to interrogate,' I explain, putting the jacket of my suit on.

'What did they do?' Alora asks.

'Stole a bunch of money from us and killed the wrong people.' I sigh. 'Could one of you tell Fouzia I'd like my room empty when I come back.'

'Do it yourself.' Terzo sighs.

'I'm not going out of my to talk to her for no reason.' I say glaring at him.

'All right I'll tell her.' He rolls his eyes. 'No need to be Mr Grouchy.'

'Oh shut up Terzo.' I snap. 'I'll see you when I get back.'

'Are you sure you know where they are?' Dominico asks me.

'I think so,' I reply. 'I saw Lorenzo, Xuan and Alessandro at Gail's dessert place.'

'That's way off from where they were originally based.' Pablo says.

'Meanings they have to be based somewhere along the outskirts of California.' Cora adds.

'Exactly!' I exclaim.

'And why didn't you just kill them when you saw them?' Dominico adds.

'We were unprepared.' Christianto answers for me. Dominico glares at him. 'It won't happen again.'

'I only need to kill Adriano.' I explain. 'Alessandro has no interest in becoming the leader and Matteo is way too young.'

'Correction he was too young.' Cora says. 'He was sixteen when you last saw him.'

'True, meaning he's eighteen now and can take the title if anything were to happen to Adriano.' Christianto says.

'We'll just have to tell Alessandro to tell Matteo to back down.' I shrug.

'So what exactly is your plan?' Dominico asks.

'We send some of our finest spies to survey the area and watch them.' I say. 'They're not stupid enough to lead us straight to their base, but we can memorise who goes where and when they do.'

'And when you have this memorised, then what?' He asks.

'Cora, Pablo, Christianto and I will go down there when we know Adriano will be there and kill him.' I say, crossing my arms.

'And are you sure nothing will get in the way?' He asks. 'Something like your feelings perhaps?'

'My feelings for him died in a ditch two years ago.' I snap.

'Good,' he replies. 'I will give you the supplies, time and people you need to do this.'

'Thank you boss.' Christianto says.

'You're all dismissed.' He waves his hand.

Pablo, Cora and Christianto leave and I go to follow them.

'Take this as a warning Dilara.' Dominico says stopping me in my tracks.

'If this fails you will have one last chance before I take things into my own hands.' He narrows his eyes. 'Do I make myself clear?'

'Yes boss.' I reply.

I head to the common room where most recruits just chill and gossip. It has a bar, vending machine, pool table and cinema screen.

I sit down in our usual spot right opposite the big window, showing the beautiful garden.

Cora, Pablo and Christianto come join me. Pablo hands me a small flask of tequila.

'You look like you need it.' He says.

'Thanks,' I laugh, taking a drink from it.

I check my pockets for my phone and feel nothing.

'Shit guys I left my phone in Dominico's office, I'll be right back.' I sigh.

I get up and take my tequila and with me and make my way to his office.

I hear some raised voices coming out of his room and knock.

No one answers so I decide to let myself in.

I'm stopped in my tracks.

'What the fuck is she doing here?' I snap.

'Nice to see you too Dilara,' Vittoria replies.

'Dilara what are you doing here?' Dominico asks.

'I forgot my phone.' I reply picking it up from the leather arm chair.

'Glad to see you haven't dropped old habits.' Vittoria says signalling to the alcohol in my hand.

'Glad to see your still the old bitch you were two years ago.' I reply.

'Watch your tone.' She takes out her gun.

'Try me.' I reply, picking up the one on Dominico's desk.

'Calm down.' Dominico snaps at us. 'Put your fucking guns down.'

Vittoria is the first to put hers down and I follow.

'Dilara, Vittoria and I are discussing something extremely important.' Dominico says. 'Now leave.'

I narrow my eyes, but do as he says. Of course I leave the door a tiny bit open and sit outside.

'You need to hurry up, we're running out of time.' Vittoria says.

'I'm doing everything I can.' Dominico replies.

'Work faster.' She snaps.

I fumble with my phone and press record.

'Don't talk to me like that.' He says. 'Remember you owe me, not the other way around or do I need to remind you of what I did for both you and Adriano?'

'That was twenty years ago.' She mutters.

'And yet you're still indebted to me.' He snaps. 'So if I were you, I'd watch my tone.'

Twenty years ago?


Why do Dominico and Vittoria know each other for that long?

'I don't trust Vittoria.'

I remember what Mimi told me when she came here.

Maybe this is why, but what happened between them.

'You have one last chance.' Vittoria says.

I need to tell someone. Someone who's not gonna answer with 'Dominico knows what he's doing.'

I hear footsteps and I run around a corner and back to my bedroom.

I throw my tequila on the bed and pull open my drawer. I rummage through my under wear and find the burner phone Mimi gave me.

'Bingo,' I mutter, turning it on and pressing on the only number saved on there.

It rings for a while before someone answers.

'Hello?' She asks. 'Who is this?'

'Mimi, it's Dilara.' I reply.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and you're all enjoying the story so far!
Have a nice day!

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