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'Isn't this morning super bright', I thought to myself while walking towards my academy "Naira Music Academy".

"Good morning Ma'am" a student passing by in hurry with her bag hanging on one shoulder and shoe lace untied said

"Good morning beta" I said cheerfully and held her by her shoulder
"Wait, first tie your shoelaces otherwise you will fall " she quickly looked down and with a shy smile bent down and tie her laces

I love how kids are, so pure hearted, ready to learn new every day, that enthusiasm in them makes me feel energetic to do well, for their sake and even for the the name of this Academy, my mamma

I reached the class, the students are from the age group of 7 to almost 19-20.

Music is for everyone and I love teaching them, not everyday is same but mostly students are enthusiastic to learn and do riyas.

Classes went on & on for some few hours and finally it was over for the day.


"Rohit, get me the files of L&T tender and set up the meeting with Finance department, I need to discuss the latest project starting in Bangalore"

"Yes, Sir" he got me the files and "The meeting can be held in ten minutes sir, is there anything else for Sir?" he asked and I nodded in negative with which he heads out

This is an important tender and I need to make sure things are in pace which our company requires.

I have started working since I completed my MBA from London school of Economics, that was since 5 years and work is always overflowing.

I don't usually get time to evaluate a lot but today is different, it's my birthday and also the day when bade papa left the world.

The void created by him not being with me has made me lose that sense of a guardian angel, who was always there for me.

"Sir, everybody is ready in the meeting room" Rohit said and I was pulled out of the zone I went in.

" Ah.. yeah I'll be there in a moment "
I said

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