Happy New year

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With the beginning of yet another year of our lives make me question a lot of things, starting with having an existential crisis, looking for new adventure everyday, looking for someone out there to showcase the emotions which got bottled up after loosing my parents and the list never ends.

"Akshu you're home!!", Dadi asked me while coming down the stairs when I sat on the couch relaxing a little to which I jokingly replied "No Dadi, I'm still on my way"

She slapped my back and sat by my side, I kept my head in her lap and she lovingly massaged the back of my head. Thank you God for giving me the people I have in my life right now and thank you for the people who will join me in this journey called life..

I didn't knew when I fell asleep but when I woke everyone was sitting around the couch and having tasty kachoris, oh I'm hungry too.

I woke up stretching myself a little bit and joined them in their new year's party discussion.

"You know what Bhaiya we should go to a club this time" Aarohi suggested to which Dadu rolled his eyes and Dadi disagreed

"No one is going to a club, if you want, have a party at home " Dadi said and Dadu was a little relieved

"No Dadi not at home, please" Kairav bhai said

Looks like this discussion is going to take a long time before coming to any agreement, huh! Well let me go and get changed, I told that to no one in particular but announced and moved towards the stairs, and from what I could hear we are definitely going to our own hotel, again! Not the worst idea, I guess...


Me, Aarohi, Kairav bhai and Vansh bhaiya are here at Hotel Rayal which was setup by our Dadu and Chote Dadu, taken to new heights of success by my Papa and mumma and now in the hands of my hardworking brothers. For Aarohi, she was never interested in business so she chose jewelry designing as her career where for me I did my MBA from London school of Economics and was very much interested in family business but the need to feel connected to my parents was a lot more so I started the music academy and soon going to work on my own business model but till then let's work with what we have in hand.

The party is pretty much like we have attended all these years, people from influential families gather around to have a good time, looking for suitable matches for them or their kids, looking for potential business partners, so much for going to club!

Every one is talking to someone or the other but what I want is to break the dance floor.

I took Aaru to a side and asked if she would like to join the dance floor, to which she readily agreed

The dance floor has all the youngsters of the party and we are so ready to grove to all the latest songs.

I danced with Aaru, then later on with bhai and Vansh bhaiya was dancing with his girlfriend, we were all enjoying.

While dancing I saw this guy whom I remember from my university but I didn't thought we would bump here in my city, in my family hotel, well accidents happen.

To avoid him, as I don't think he noticed me on the dance floor, I came out in the garden to have some fresh air, because let's just say he isn't someone I would like to celebrate any thing with.

The count down has began for 2023, I looked at the sky, saw my favourite stars, closed my eyes letting the new year sink in and wishing it for the best to come.

"Happy New year" I said

"Happy New year" I heard at the same time at a distance in darker area of the garden

He came in the light and we both came face to face

"Akshara "
" Abhimanyu "
We said in unison again

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