Family tradition

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"Good morning Papa", I said descending through the stairs

"Abhi, I'm glad you're here, you know what your sister has done, again" he said massaging his head with one hand and working on laptop with another

"Again!!!, No way" I yelled and took my cell phone and started dialing but papa took it away and I saw him with a bit of shock

"Papa, please, let me call Maa only she will know how to handle this situation" I said with pleading eyes but he didn't want his favourite daughter to get scolding so kept my cell in his pocket.

"Fine papa, don't call Maa but you need to do something ASAP & you know that, right!" I asked , no, well informed but the way he is not exactly interested in bringing Siya home right now which really makes me wonder how Maa is going to react to this entire fiasco.

Today is the Birla family day, a family tradition, going on in our family since my grandparents time and my mother being the ultimate best daughter in law follows this tradition every year, my Dadu used to say that starting a new year with people you love, you care the most for makes it really special, for him Dadi was the whole and sole for his life whereas for Papa, Maa is special but his kids have taken the first priority, me and my younger sister Siya, she is the star of the house, being the youngest gives her the liberty to speak her mind more often then required, my Bade papa was not exactly the family man we expect, as, for him his business was everything which made Badi Maa take care of their only child a lot more,  Neil, my brother, he had a tough childhood.

"Bhai please, this was uncalled for. Why would you let mom come and pick me up from my dancing class, I am not a child anymore, I'm 21 already" Siya said while coming from the dance class which she was not supposed to and Maa walking beside her, gave a light beating on her back while going in the kitchen. Her full on attitude mode is unacceptable and today I wanted to slow down her attitude train but Papa asked us all to gather around the table for the first meal of the day.

Every one is present on the dining table, Badi Maa, Neil, Papa , Maa, me and Siya. Everyone did the prayers before the meal and started.

"Neil bhai have we received any invitation this year" Siya asked, to which Maa asked "What invitation?"

"Choti Maa, she is talking about New year's party invites" Neil said

He continued "& yeah Siya there are few invitation cards on the table we will through them after breakfast"

" So our Siya is grown up to go to such parties already " Badi Maa said to which Maa gave an annoyed look to Siya and then papa

" Please Maa, don't say no, you know I won't be alone, I will under strict protection of both of these hulks" Siya said and winked to our side

"SIYA LANGUAGE " I corrected her and she immediately apologized with holding her ears and quietly said "bhaiya"

Few hours later

Standing in front of one of the most famous hotels of the country "Hotel Rayal" my whole family was invited, so here we are, after more than hundred arguments over the place for New year's party we landed here as this was a families event, sort of!

After talking to few of the business clients and potential investors I saw Neil & Siya waving their hands for me to go there .
I excused myself from the people I was around and went to my siblings

"Bhai let's go for the dance" Siya said but I was not interested at all
"Both of you should go I will join you guys later" I said but Siya was adamant on taking with them so...

Here I am, on the dance floor with two right legs, but people call it otherwise .

Suddenly I saw a face, light brown eyes, hair cascading till the length of her spinal cord, navy blue dress flowing on the floors with carefree nature, no care of the world just her and her dancing, her aura...

She... She saw ..... me, but I changed my direction immediately and few minutes later came outside the hotel to catch some fresh air standing near the tree and looking at the moon. She still looks the same.

Was I really wrong or was it just the timing which made it difficult for me to realise....

My thoughts her paused by the countdown

"Happy New year" I said and heard the same from a distance, I turned around just to see the face I have been wishing to look again at since the last time from the dance floor

"Abhimanyu" she said
"Akshara" I said

Firecrackers bursting in the sky made this look like a scene from one of Siya's romance novels ..

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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