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"DO YOU think I'm a bland actress?" asked Nini breathlessly, coming up to Cam as he was at his locker, getting ready to leave for the day

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"DO YOU think I'm a bland actress?" asked Nini breathlessly, coming up to Cam as he was at his locker, getting ready to leave for the day. He frowned.

"A bland actress?" he repeated, quirking a brow. She nodded. "Okay, who told you that?"


"Obviously someone told you that." he said, grabbing his backpack out of his locker. "You get really, really hung up on stuff other people say. You're not a bland actress."

"I don't get hung up on stuff." mumbled Nini, turning away. "I was just wondering. What do you think of Gina's acting?"

Cam laughed breathily. "So she told you that you're a bland actress?" Nini didn't respond. "Well, I'll tell you one thing. You're Gabriella. She's not. I think that speaks volumes about your acting skills."

"Oh," said Nini, blushing feverishly, "thanks."

"Anytime." said Cam, looking down at her. "Where are you headed?"

"Well, I'm trying to find EJ, but he's clearly not here." grumbled Nini, furrowing her brows slightly as she gripped her backpack straps a little tighter.

"I can give you a ride home... I... I mean, if you want me to." he stammered out, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Nini beamed at him, and it was clear she was accepting his offer. "I'll take that as a yes."

"A thousand times yes!" she gasped dramatically, grinning as he rolled his eyes. "I... have to admit something, though."

"I don't like the sound of that." Cam said warningly, raising a brow. They were in the parking lot at that point, and Nini was hugging herself.

"I might have stolen Gina's water bottle." she said, pointing to her backpack and wincing as Cam raised his brows.

"Because she called you a bland actress?"

"...Maybe. No. Kind of! She stole my phone, though!"

"She did?" Cam was taken aback by Nini's words— he hadn't expected Gina to do anything that drastic. In fact, it annoyed him a little. He didn't know why she had to mistreat Nini; it wasn't like she was even trying to hide her distaste for Nini.

"Uh... I think so." Nini squinted slightly, thinking hard. "Well, that's my theory. Strong theory. Got a bit of evidence for it."

Cam smiled, against his better judgement, leading to a small laugh to escape his lips. Nini followed after, a big smile crossing her face as she shook her head, embarrassed.

"You're going to return it, right?" Cam asked, tilting his head at her. Nini nodded, biting her lip. "That's the Nini I know."

Nini couldn't explain the flare in her face, or the way her heart began beating out of her chest and didn't stop until she got out of his car at her house.

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