When We First Met (Halloween Special)

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Written By: Skitty 

Warning: A tiny bit of minimal violence (if it triggers anything pls don't read)

A/N: The setting is in a different universe (so don't be confused :)) There are still Pokemon in this one-shot btw. This is my first time writing on the @ContestshippingSquad so it might not be too good. Enough talking, let's start 💚Contestshipping🌹, shall we?


"Bye! Have fun trick-or-treating!" I waved to a girl with green-hair and sapphire eyes. "Don't forget to come home before 8:30, Rose!"

"Bye mom, bye dad!" Rose called back, she was in a Glaceon costume that compliments her hair and matches her eyes.

I looked over to my husband, Drew. He was waving goodbye.

I smiled and walked back to the living room and sat down on the couch, waiting for Serena and Dawn because they offered to help us with trick-or-treaters. Drew came and sat down beside me.

"She grew up so fast," Drew said as Skitty jumped on the couch meowing for attention. "It kind of reminds me of when we first met."

"Yea," I smiled, thinking of the memory. It's the best Halloween in my life.

*Flashback* (it's still May POV)

It was October 31st. The first time I am allowed to go trick-or-treating alone with my friends! I was soooo excited! I wore a Beautifly costume with a really pretty dress and happily went out looking for Serena and Dawn. We were planning to go to Dawn's house for a sleepover after trick-or-treating.

"Maybelle! Over here!" Serena called, she was in a pink Fennekin outfit and Dawn was wearing a cute Slowpoke costume.

"Hi guys!" I said as I approached them, "Serena, you can just call me May, you know."

"But Maybelle is more elegant! And you look like a princess in that costume." Serena replied.

"Aww, thank you," I said. "You look really pretty too!"

Dawn suddenly gave a cough, "Oh pardon me right here."

Me and Serena looked at each other and smiled. "And Dawn you look so adorable in your outfit!" I exclaimed.

"Why thank you so much, May." Dawn said cheerfully, "Let's go get candy!"

It was super fun. Serena, Dawn, and I got tons of different candy. Skittytles, Kit Delcatty, Jiggly Ranchers, Sour Patch Mudkips, Sobble Gum, Mr. Goodrabars...and much more! We spent lots of time going from door to door and receiving different varieties of candy and chocolate. After a while, our legs were getting tired so we went to a nearby park.

"Oh no! Is it this late already?" Serena suddenly exclaimed, "I promised mom to go home and help her with the rhyhorns."

"Oh you better go right now! We'll meet at Dawn's then." I said, popping a Jiggly Rancher in my mouth.

"Yea, see you Maybelle, Dawn!" Serena shouted, hurrying away.

"Bye!" Dawn waved, sitting down for a moment before standing up suddenly.

"What's wrong, Dawn?" I asked.

"I forgot to ask my mom if she can make some snacks for us later!" she said frantically. "What should I do?"

"Calm down Dawn," I reasoned. "Just go home right now and we'll meet at your place later."

"You don't mind trick-or-treating alone for a while then?" Dawn asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2022 ⏰

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