Chapter 2: Next Day

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A/N: Okay, so I was done with this story - completely, totally done. It was always intended to be a one-shot, after all. But then I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't fall back asleep, and what should start going through my mind in great detail but the next part of these characters' lives... I have lots of other stories that I'm either actively writing or am planning out, but did any of THOSE come to mind then? No, of course not! Instead, I fixated on one of my COMPLETED stories.

So, anyway, here's the first of two chapters that insisted on being written. The other one won't be far behind. I hope you enjoy it, and thank you to everyone who reviewed the last chapter, and to BarbaraK2U, who did a wonderful job beta-reading this story for me!

Chapter 2: Next Day

The alarm blares through the room, startling Tobias from the best sleep he's had in years. Maybe ever.

Beside him, Tris tries to bury herself deeper into the bedding, clearly not wanting to rise, and he can't help smiling at the sight as he reaches over her to turn off the alarm. Normally, he gets up immediately after doing that, but today he snuggles back in place, spooning her as he nuzzles his face into her hair. She smells absolutely wonderful....

"What time is it?" she asks groggily.

"Seven o'clock." After a second, it occurs to him to add, "On Thursday." He's never had a first date sleep over on a weeknight before, so he's not used to going to work the morning after.

Clearly, Tris isn't, either, because she sits bolt upright at the answer, pulling out of his embrace. "Thursday? Oh no, oh no, oh no...."

She stumbles out of the bed before he can answer, and he watches her cross the room toward the bathroom where her clothes still are. At first, he can't quite decide if the sight of her naked body is a reasonable trade for the sudden loss of her touch and warmth, but it doesn't take long to conclude that it's not. No matter how sexy she looks with nothing adorning her except bed-head.

"I can drive you," he offers as he drags himself to his feet, remembering that she usually takes public transportation. "To your place and then to wherever you work, if that'll help."

She emerges from the bathroom, her shirt already on and her clearly-still-damp pants in her hands. Biting her lip, she looks between him and the clock with enough anxiety to tell him that she really does need the ride.

"That will make you late, won't it?" she finally asks, clearly trying to be selfless despite her obvious need.

"I'll call in. It's not a problem."

She pauses for just a moment longer before nodding, relief obvious in her face. "Thanks. I have a meeting with a potential donor that I can't miss."

They don't waste any time getting dressed, and they're in his car within five minutes, zooming through the parking garage at a considerably faster speed than is probably safe. "Turn left," Tris begins as they reach the exit, "I think." She cranes her neck as she looks for street signs to confirm that.

Tobias' smile interrupts her. "406 Abnegation Way, Apartment 46. I can get there."

Her gaze leaps to him, her expression a bit surprised. "You remembered."

He arches an amused eyebrow. "I told you I would."

"I know, but...." She shakes her head slightly, a hint of redness rising up her cheeks. "It's been my experience that guys say a lot of things they don't mean...."

The words twist something inside him, and his hands tighten on the steering wheel as he finds himself wanting to hurt whoever made her develop that distrust. "I don't," he finally answers firmly.

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