How to Begin an Investigation

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He knew from the moment that he metioned Sky having an ex, he had made a mistake.

Rain was in the middle of telling the story how he met Sky in their first year of university when Prapai asked if Rain had ever met Sky's ex-boyfriend.

Rain had immediately pushed his hand to his mouth and stared at Prapai like the world was going to end if any other words came out of him.

"...What?" Prapai turned to Payu, a question in his eyes.

Payu simply shrugged. He'd hardly ever talked to Sky, he wasn't the least bit interested in Sky's past unless it involed Rain.

Rain blinked, glancing at Payu before standing up and leaving the room immediately.

Payu stood up, as did Prapai, and Payu punched his friend lightly on the arm.

"What did you do that for?"

"Why did you bring up that kid's ex? We were having a great time before you brought the ex up."

Prapai crossed his arms over his chest.

"I can see that Sky is scared of something, and I just want to find out what it is. How am I supposed to do that without asking questions?" he defended himself.

Payu huffed in annoyance because Prapai was obnoxious, but he was obnoxiously right.

But his boyfriend came first, and Payu respectfully asked Prapai to get the hell out of his house before going to comfort Rain.

Prapai shook his head as he left the gates, mounting his bike with his helmet in one hand.

He'd been trying to get answers slowly out of Sky, the more he asked, the more Sky refused to answer. He was going to need to get answers a different way.

Rain was his first option, but based off the fact he met Sky when he was already a university student and didn't have a significant other since Rain met him, there was only so much information that he was going to give and Prapai doubted that any of it would be useful.

He tightened the strap of his helmet, starting the motorbike while connecting his helmet to his phone. He called his secretary, tucking his phone in his pocket while it dialed.

Prapai started through the neighborhood, coming to a stop sign when his secretary answered.

"You finally answer."

"I'm off work, Khun Prapai, I don't know if you know that."

"You? Not working? Since when?"

"Very funny. What do you want?"

Prapai smirked to himself and turned onto the highway, heading into the night.

"My lovely boyfriend. I would like to know where he went to school."

His secretary scoffed, but her boss had been asking many strange things for his boyfriend these days.

"Give me the weekend."

"Why? I know you can do it in three hours."

"Because it's a Saturday, Khun Prapai. I've got a date tonight and I don't work on Sundays. Besides, isn't this something you should do yourself?"

"I can't."

"Oh? And why is that?"

Prapai crossed the river as he darted between cars, his engine revving louder than most other cars on the highway. He was working on a tight schedule.

"I'm with my lovely boyfriend tonight," he smirked.

"Oh? Well get the information from him yourself. I have better things to do."

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