Chapter Four

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So I've been out with Lacy all day after she found out about my little freak out yesterday, and let me just tell you after shopping with her even Steve would be groaning about being tired. I still don't talk to her much, but to be fair I don't not talk at all. If that makes any sense.

I actually do talk to her. Just not much.

Yeah that makes more sense...probably.

Anyway it's not just that she dragged me in every store. Oh no that's just the beginning, she also dragged me into every store that sells clothes the opposite of my style first so she could shop.

And I am about to fall over. At least I forgot about..Claire. Until now anyway as I'm sitting in Lacy's car on our way back to the tower. I can feel the panic start to set in. I mean sure it's been about a year but still. Time doesn't change people. At least not that short amount of time, especially not for the better.

When she parks Lacy turns to look at me, "alright I know you don't like to say much but can you at least tell me what is going on with you? I don't know you that well but I can tell when someone's panicking."

I sigh figuring it couldn't really hurt to tell her. Not the whole thing but why I'm freaking out. The only problem is, that the last time I told someone it backfired. Horribly. But I'm not getting into that right now. I don't need to have a full on panic attack around this girl yet. True Lacy Banner is a really nice person, nicer than most to me anyway, but I still barely know her.

I look away and bite my lip, "I know Claire from high school, and she didn't really like me" I say quietly really downplaying it. The girl didn't only not like me, she hated my guts. I remember she would seek me out everyday just to make my life a living hell. Or more of one anyway.

Lacy looks at me for a moment before narrowing her eyes, "that's not all of it is it?"

I sigh, "It's all I want to tell you. We just don't have a good history."

She nods, "alright fine. but if she does anything I can help alright? If not me then your da- Tony can do something."

"You can call him my dad. He's more of one than I've ever had" I shrug and get out. "come on let's get this over with" I offer a slight nervous smile.

She practically beams at the action, I don't exactly show emotion evidently..didn't even notice until she started grinning every time I did, and hops out, "don't worry you'll be fine" she assures me with the same excited tone as usual. To look at her then her dad you wouldn't even know they were related except for the dark hair. Other than that they act like complete opposites.

Yeah sure. I'll be fine. It's not like this is the person that made my life hell everyday. The person that looked for me each day just to mess with me, you know beat me, spit disgusting names in my face, play 'pranks' on me. Don't know if you could call most of what she did pranks..I think they crossed the line of pranks after the first month.

i trudge behind her not in any hurry to get upstairs, I know she's already there. Her car was outside. I hated that thing..but that happens when you almost get hit by it enough. Like I said she hated my guts.

By the time we had get to the top floor, where Claire and the others most likely were, I manage to calm down and relax some. Not fully..I don't think that would even be possible, but some. It's to the point where I won't try to bolt just seeing the blonde.

As soon as the elevator opens I can almost feel my stress rise. I'm good at not showing it but it's still there. You have to learn not to show things like that though when your younger brother is so close to you. I look around and hear her before I see her. The higher pitch is practically ingrained in my mind..not in the good way.

I turned around in her direction to see her with a bored expression on her phone. Wow so surprising, I mentally roll my eyes at the picture. I look around a little more noticing Steve and Tony talking in the kitchen...or flirting. Not really sure which.

Shaking that thought off, I turn to Jalen and go with Lacy to sit down silently thankful she didn't leave when we got here. It was awkward to say the least..that is until Claire noticed that we were there and recognized me.

An almost wicked smirk crosses her features as she recognizes me and I gulp slightly. Something so subtle that you wouldn't even see it..that is unless you're a blonde with an evil mind evidently because her smirk only grows at my action. Great..I can't just let her assume I don't know her. I have to make it pretty clear I do. Great job Skye. You deserve a damn medal.

She hangs up on her friend mid sentence looking bored about the conversation. "I know you right?" she asks with a look that tells me I can't lie.

I shrug a little, I never did talk to her much. Only if I absolutely had to. You can call me bitchy if you want, I don't care.

She doesn't seem like she cares about my non-existent answer or that Lacy is sitting next to me. All she does is continue like this was completely normal. Which I guess for her it was. "So the little orphan finally found a family?" she says in a mocking tone, "who'd you have to screw to get here" she sneers.

For some reason, I don't know why, I managed to gather some confidence...It is the stupidest thing I've ever done.

I look at her with a straight face, "from what I remember you're the one who screws to get things in this room"

She pauses, her mouth slightly open before her features twist into a murderous glare. Yep, definitely stupid. Why the hell did I do that? I don't even notice Lacy's shocked yet proud look for my own realization of what I just said. I hide it well though keeping my expression deadpan.

This only makes her glare more until she hears Steve and Tony walking back into the room and Steve clears his throat.

I've never been so relieved for there to be more people in a room. Does that make sense? Probably not but I really can't find the energy to care right now. You probably get the message.

"So I'm guessing you two have met?" The tall blond asks looking between us.

Claire puts her biggest fake smile on, "oh, yes. We used to be best friends in high school"

I grit my teeth refusing to say anything more. I don't need to dig my grave bigger than it already is. I don't notice Tony giving me a questioning look as I look away from her just past her head.

I know this probably seems like I'm really just terrified of her and I can't take care of myself. Well you're sort of right. She has done some things that give me nightmares, but I'm not terrified of her. It's her 'friends' I'm afraid of. Her? I could beat her down in under a minute, but then I'd have to answer to her followers or whatever. Anyway I found out my senior year, I graduated at 15, that you shouldn't cross her...

**More of a filler chapter and well..there's Claire. Tell me what you think maybe?

I was thinking of adding in the twins from AOU. Whatcha think?**

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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