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~{ Mingi's Pov }~

Once I woke up Yunho was still asleep and I had about an hour before We had to be awake for school so I went upstairs and got dressed and moved Yunho's clothes to the dryer and made us some breakfast before I went to wake Yunho.

" Yunho cmon wake up, " Mingi said as he shook Yunho awake

" hmm, five more minutes " Yunho mumbled

" I mean if you wanna be late for school then sure, " Mingi said

" Ugh fine I'm awake," Yunho said sitting up

"I put your clothes in the dryer a bit ago they should be done, " Mingi said walking back to the kitchen

" Mk thank you," Yunho said as he got up

Once Yunho got up he went to the dryer to collect his clothes and get dressed once that was done we went back to the living room to grab his phone

Finally, once Yunho was ready we headed off to school well I went to school I lost Yunho

~{ Yunho's Pov }~

I walked Mingi to the school and slowly left without him noticing I got a text from my dad about our work, My dad decided to look into the mafia business a few years ago before I was born and now he wants me to take over his business that he has created but I don't want the danger from the job but I mean it has what I have been training for since I could remember. What I mean by I don't want the danger let's just say my dad's own brother just magically disappeared when my dad was fighting with another group and I don't want my friends or family to go missing.

Finally, Yunho was at his dad's office after walking for almost an hour.

" Hello, Mr. Yunho, " Yukino said ( aka his dad's assistant )

" Good morning, Hey uhh is my father here? " Yunho asked

" Uhh, he should be yea. Why did he call u again to come here again, " Yukino asked

" Yea he did and he needs to hurry before I'm late for my classes soon, " Yunho said

" Uhh, I guess since your his son just go knock on his office, " Yukino said

Once Yunho said goodbye he went off to his dad's office and knocked on the door.

" Who is it, " His dad said

" Your son, " Yunho said

" So you actually came this time that's a surprise come in, " His father replied

" what do you need this time, " Yunho asked as he opened the door

" So harsh cant a father just invite his son to his office, " His father said

" Most can yes but when you invite me here its because you need me to do something, " Yunho replied

" Ok now that's just hurtful but sadly true," His dad said

"You're taking over the business next week, " His father said

" Wait what No I refuse to " Yunho almost yelled

"It's not a question Yunho the business has already been handed down to you I'm just finishing up my work, " His father explained

" Dad no I'm not taking over I'm not gonna put my friends or Mingi in danger I can't do that to him just like u let uncle Disappear i actually care for my friends and family " Yunho stated

" You listen to me young man I have already arranged for you to be the leader I don't care what you say or do you Will be the leader it is not a question or a suggestion it is a Command, Do i make myself clear? " His father said firmly

" Fine " Yunho said

Right after the conversation Yunho left slamming the door and rushing past Yukino. As he was leaving the building it started to rain.

" Ugh of course can today get any worse " Yunho yelled in frustration

Since he didn't feel like going home he went to Mingi's and sat on his front porch until he got home. He didn't care if it was raining or not he just wanted to see the one he loved the most.


I'm sorry I don't write much I don't really ever get notifications from Wattpad of whether or not people are Reading my books or voting so I think nobody wants to read them so yea sry bout that also let me know what you think so far

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