Hetero? Or Naw?: A Supernatural Fic

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"I wanna play a game." Sam said, throwing a deck of cards onto the table.

Dean and Cas moved to the table. Dean picked up the deck, turning it over in his hand.

"What game? Poker?" Dean said, tossing the cards back onto the table.

"No no. It's called Hetero or Naw."

"What?" Dean and Cas said in unison.

"Sit down. Okay, so while I was bored last night I took these cards and glued pictures of people we know or knew on the cards. We're going to guess their sexuality."

"Okay." Cas said sitting down.

Dean stayed silent as he shuffled the cards.

Sam took one. "Crowley. Or Naw."

Cas was next. "Zachariah. Or Naw."

Dean was last. "Adam. Hetero."

"Bobby. Hetero"

"Lucifer. Hetero."

This when on for about five or six rounds. Dean had downed a beer or two and Castiel was giggling with the help of a few shots.

Sam pulled a card. "Lilith. Uhh, I'm gonna say Or Naw on this one. She'd totally bang a lady."

"Sam!" Cas said.


"I don't know." Cas said, pulling a card. "Ruby. The Demon's are all clumped together aren't they. Uhh, I'm going to say Hetero, until she's had a few shots."

"Just like you Cas!" Sam said.

Dean reached forward. He grabbed a card, looking at it, then up at Cas, then down at the card, and up at Sam. "Or Naw!" He shouted, slamming the card onto the table, standing up, and knocking over his beer. He walked away, leaving the room to go outside.

Cas and Sam leaned forward looking at the card.

Sam started giggling. "I knew it."

Cas looked up at him. "I don't understand, it's a picture of Dean."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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