Stamcy - Sick

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(This took place weeks before Dan and Lizzie had visited the cafe.) It is snowing outside, cold and heavy. Stampy is worked up about the whole flint and steel being stolen situation. He feels guilty stealing it from Dan, Stampy may not admit it, he is indeed jealous of Dan having the flint and steel. His health is also affected by it, Stacy has been managing the cafe while taking care of Stampy.

Stampy's Pov

I feel bad for Stacy, she stays up all night taking care of me even though she is tired of managing the cafe. I shouldn't have stolen the flint and steel, I just want to have it for a little while but probably this is what started Lizzie and Dan's quarrels, but they always have been competitive with each other.

"Stampy?" Stacy asked.

"Stacy, I... I am really sorry for putting so much work on you, you really don't need to take care of me, Stacy." I said while guilt built up causing me to tear up...... in front of Stacy. Goodness Stampy, why are so pathetic?

"Stampy, it is not a big deal dear. You can't take care of all of this, You have barely gotten any sleep these past weeks.... I'll prepare your medicine just relax there okay?"

Her soothing voice is already a medicine. I wish I could tell her what's bothering me.

"Here Stamps."

I drank the medicine and just about I was going to sleep, someone was knocking at the door. Stacy talked to that person, their voice seemed familiar.

"Hello Miss Stacy, is Mister Stampy feeling better now?" The unknown person asked.

" No, it might be a week for him to recover, and sorry for now that he is unavailable," Stacy answered

"Ok, thank you, Miss Stacy." The unknown person said.

As Stacy closes the door, she gets back to her computer, probably she's answering all my customers' requests. I want to pay back the kindness she did to me.

Stacy's Pov

A week has passed and Stampy is getting better, I am glad. I didn't want him to be overworked again so I dedicated myself to helping him in the cafe. He insisted that I don't have to but I know he needs help. Today is rest day, so I made the cafe ours, just us two. I told him I wanted to make a dessert that maybe he could add to his menu. So I did, I took a piece and put it inside Stampy's mouth. Such a cute guy.

" Stamps, I gotta change real quick."

" Okay," Stampy said while smiling.

I wore the beautiful dress Lizzie made for me. Coming out of the changing room I came up to Stampy.

"Im back-"

I was surprised that Stampy just kissed me but why include his tongue? My mind went blank.

" Sorry Stacy, I am just feeling a little weird today." He said while just realizing that he just kissed me. He blushed while covering his face but I can still tell he is flustered.

"What do you mean about feeling weird?" I asked.

" I feel like I am burning with desire.... it sounds weird doesn't it." He said.

I was shocked by what he said, but it does feel good.

"Its okay Stampy, its really how our feelings drive us to do things we do not expect."

"I should have asked your permission before kissing you" He said while shaking.

" Yeah, but I um......I don't mind it."

I hugged Stampy comforting him. He stopped shaking and started complimenting me.

"Thank you Stacy for your hard work, I am surprised you can handle this many responsibilities. I promise I won't overwork myself and make you suffer too."

" Aw, it's nothing Stampy. Taking care of you is my pleasure, my dear."

" I Love you, Stacy." He said while snuggling onto me.

"Love you too Stampy". I said while carrying him to his bed.

" Good night, sleep tight my dear," I said while leaving him in his room.

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