Chapter 4

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June's POV


I was shocked to see HER. Yes, the cute girl from yesterday.

Sa isip ko lang ako syempre nagulat para hindi halatang overreaction. Ang cute pa din niya.

She's busy typing something sa laptop niya, busy ata. I notice naman na free iyong table sa tabi ng table niya kaya I walked there. I don't think na she notice me since super focus niya sa pag type plus naka earphones pa.

She have a resemblance to a Bear. Cute.

Gusto ko ikwento kay Bear 'to. May nakita akong tao na mukhang totoong oso, a cute one hehe. Kanina pa ako napapatingin sakan'ya baka mahalata na niya.

My phone buzzed kaya I quickly look kasi baka nag message si Kheia. It was a Twitter notification from bear. She always tweet something from time to time.

I open it and saw her tweet.

"Tea + peaceful café + music + blogging = life"

As usual, I like her tweet. Always.

Anyway, meet Kheia! she's my internet best friend tho sometimes I have a crush on her, shhh.

She's just too cute and I love chatting with her.

I saw her messaged me on dc so I quickly tap it.

Juneeeeeee, are you awake na ba? I'm finish proofreading my blogs this week. I've got nothing to do and I miss chatting with you kaagad.
Mamaya na 'yang tulog mo, may gabi pa naman ngayong araw :33

Lol her emoji pout have always been my favorite thing.

Yow bear! yup! I'm eating rn, I was hungry kaya I decided na kumain na lang since I can't sleep din.
Sabi mo you have someone to tell aa! kwento na kaagad.

I was staring at my phone after ko i-sent iyong message while taking a bite of my waffles. I can tell na someone's staring pero binalewala ko na lang.

Minutes later inaantay ko pa din pero no reply.

Tinabi ko muna ang phone ko and nararamdaman ko pa din na someone's staring so tinignan ko iyong kabilang table kung saan nandun iyong cute girl hehe.

Nahuli ko siyang nakatingin pero mabilis din siyang bumawi ng tingin HAHAHAH what a cutie. Patay malisya na lang ako dahil baka mahiya siya.

Maya-maya pa ay nag reply din iyong oso saakin. Ang tagal? akala ko ba sabi niya hindi na siya busy?


Harot oh kaya pala ang tagal mag reply. Hindi na ata ako ang nagiisa sa puso mo, arouch.
Charot :p

You're so annoying :((
Ang ganda niya pa din, I wanna be close to her. She seems kind naman, ang calm lang niya.

This bear, really? napapailing na lang ako while nakangiti. Ang cute pala nito magka crush? HAHAHA

Hindi ko na muna siya nireplyan kasi paalis na ako sa café since I'm finished na eating. Maybe later kapag sa loob na ng univ, I want to make our conversation long.


author's note: [103122]

Today ko pinunlish itong story na 'to and same day din iyong ibang chapters kaya sorry if may typos, pagod me ee. Papahinga ako onti then I'll proofread the whole thing, I'm so sorry. Please enjoy this story as I enjoy writing this too. Again, thank you for supporting this story.

Will be updating tomorrow since 2hours na lang mag November na. Baka mag Halloween theme naman ako ng updates, baka 3chapters per day ang update ko daily, char HAHAHAHA feeling productive. Baka ma busy lang ako sa school works since I'm a graduating student na and busy for college applications din. Thank you again! votes are appreciated to continue this story!

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