5: Island of Egypt and Gods

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Ada followed the guards up the stairs of the Egyptian palace. She watched in awe at her surroundings while she passed a series of giant columns and marvelous statues on the way to the throne room. If the hall was marvelous, there was not a word for the throne room. All the colors and paintings on the walls engrossed her, making her forget to walk. She only remembered to move forward when one of the guards lightly poked her and motioned with his head to continue. She made her way toward the throne on the other side of the room where a majestic woman sat. Queen Cleopatra herself. She curtsied and then stood up straight.

"So you are the girl Nirians mentioned would help us." Queen Cleopatra rose.

"Show me the ring," she ordered.

Ada stepped forward and stretched her hand. The queen grabbed it and observed it closely.

"It does look like the right one," she murmured.

Ada looked at her confused.

"I fear I do not understand Your Majesty. What is this ring? The Nirians said I am the chosen one. What is all this?"

The queen sighed.

"You really don't know anything about it?"

Ada shook her head.

"I don't even know my name or where I come from."

Queen Cleopatra blinked in confusion.

"Do you know how you even came here?"

Ada shrugged. "It seems I was shipwrecked. I woke up on the shore and this ring was laying beside me. Then I found my way to Niria."

And that was about as far as her memory went.

Queen furrowed her brows.

"Perhaps you had it with you? Either way, it must have chosen you otherwise you would not find your way to Niria." She tilted her head. "What name are you now going by?"


"Well Ada, there are two of these rings. The legend has it they would choose powerful magic users as their masters. The two rings together are said to have great power. Perhaps now that you are here it might help with our problems."

"You said there had to be two of them..."

Queen Cleopatra grinned.

"Oh, but they are." She stretched her arm to show off her hand, her fingers full of rings. One of them looked just like the one Ada was wearing.

"It has been in our family for generations. When the old master dies it chooses another."

It ran a bell in Ada's head. Now she remembered Nirians mentioned something about the pharaoh opening the passage.

"So what exactly am I supposed to do?" Ada asked tentatively.

Queen Cleopatra motioned with her hand.

"It is time to get ready for our celebratory banquet. We shall talk there."


Ada entered a rich chamber with an enormous banquet table. The queen waved her over and she made her way to her, curtsying when she reached her.

"This is Ada, my guest of honor tonight. She is going to help us with our situation."

She motioned for her to sit beside her. She sat down only now realizing how starved she was. The table was laden with delicious food and she had to force herself not to stretch her arm. She couldn't afford to offend the queen. A voice shook her out of her daydream.

"How is a girl going to help us?" one of the men behind the table asked.

Queen Cleopatra gave him a cold glare.

"I do not remember asking you anything. For the record though she has the ring."

She started eating and others followed suit. She then turned toward Ada.

"I promised to explain the situation. Our kingdom has been suffering years from drought, causing us a crisis and for these reasons, some other countries are eyeing our territory. The latter might withdraw upon learning of our power. However, the main trouble still stays."

Ada thought for a moment chewing on her food and observing the table. A thought struck her.

"What about the Gods?"

Somebody remarked: "We already tried with the offerings but as you can see..."

"Perhaps they didn't like your blood offerings. Perhaps we should make them the biggest celebration there was." She turned towards the queen. "A celebration involving all of the kingdom."

Queen Cleopatra thought for a moment. "It is worth a try."


Ada made her way into the banquet chamber. The servants were rushing around carrying bowls of food.

"So we make this part into an altar..." she pointed towards the end wall. "We'll make some offerings and then we will recite the spell we found for invocation. That should suffice to get the Gods to come here. Of course, there can't be a celebration without a banquet in Gods' honor... "

She turned toward the queen. "Is that right, Your Highness?"

The queen nodded. "Having the whole kingdom celebrating their worship should gain us their blessings to stop the drought."

"Is the dinner being served before or after the invocation?"

"After, of course. The food is in their honor and should be intact at their arrival shall they desire to take something..."

There was a commotion behind them.

"The guests are coming."

Ada turned toward the door.


Queen Cleopatra nodded.

"There is a ball first, remember?"

The guests pooled in and the orchestra started playing.

Soon after it was time for the ritual. They had set down the bowls of fruit at the end wall, encircling them with herbs she didn't know and servants just finished lighting up the candles around. A sweet scent filled the room after they lighted the incense and the queen motioned for her to come forward.

"Now we will recite an old spell that will summon the Gods. These rings should provide enough power for it to succeed," she told her guest.

She turned towards Ada and nodded. Ada was nervous for she had never performed a spell before.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and started reciting.

Soon after she found herself among Egyptian Gods.

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