6: Island of the apocalypse and magic

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It was a silent and serene night when Ada strolled across the darkened streets. There was something that brought her out of the palace walls tonight she couldn't explain. Something evil permeated the air this night. She noticed a cloaked figure hurrying among the streets. It seemed to be in a hurry. A cold aura reeked of it. She wasn't sure but it seemed the master ring made her braver. She followed the figure stealthily, winding among the houses. They entered the house at the far end and she followed silently.

Entering the building, stale air hit her nostrils. The torches lined the wall, creating dancing shadows. She spotted a shadow on the stairs and made her way down the winding staircase. Crossing another hallway she came upon an entrance to what looked like some kind of a chamber. She slid her ring into her pocket so as to not attract any unwanted attention and peaked inside. It had a big ceiling and it seemed quite big judging by the number of people standing inside. They all had their backs turned at her as they stared ahead at something she couldn't see. One moved and she caught a glimpse. An uneasiness gnawed at her stomach as she realized it was an altar in front. She tried to get a better look but the crowd moved blocking her view once again.

Her heart skipped a beat when she heard a voice behind her.

"Stop blocking the doorway," somebody barked.

"Sorry," she mumbled and moved to the side. What was all this? What are they planning to do? It couldn't be something good. This place reeked of evil, making her shiver. Did she just enter the lion's lair? As long as nobody paid no mind to her she should be fine. And it didn't seem anybody bothered. They spared no glance to any newcomers making their way in, their eyes focused as in a trance at what lay ahead.

Suddenly a strong male voice echoed across the room.

"The time has come, my friends!"

She saw a hand rising in the air, holding some kind of a chalice filled with red liquid. A chill ran down her spine. And it was only the beginning.

"The time to finally rise the Four Horsemen of the apocalypse!"

The crowd roared. When it subsided, he continued.

"Pestilence, Famine, War, and Death, today we greet you here as your most humbled servants. The Four Horsemen rise! Let the apocalypse begin! Let bring ruin and disaster to this wretched world!"

A sudden gust blew across the chamber, sending chills down her spine. Something started to happen in the front and the crowd moved to the sides. She followed their example and finally got the view. The smoke billowed in the air when the neighing of horses sounded across the chamber. Soon after four silhouettes appeared, solidifying in monstrous forms. The skeletal horses got to their hind legs and then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.


Ada and Cleopatra made their way through the ancient tomb into Niria. The keepers of the entrance elf Ailinn, fairy Ruby, satyr Faust, and centaur Shiron were already waiting for them. Concern was lining their faces as they stared at the newcomers. They bowed as soon as they reached them.

Ailinn creased her eyebrows.

"Your Highness, we sensed some evil presence from across the gates. What kind of nefarious monster has been released?"

Cleopatra dug her fingers into her hair and let out a frustrated sigh.

"The Four Horsemen of the apocalypse. There is chaos everywhere! The world has been plunged into anarchy!"

The four nodded grimly.

It seemed they were familiar with them, judging by their expressions.

"Do you know them?" Ada asked.

Shiron looked at her. "Know them? It was our ancestors who defeated them in the first place. Together with the two masters of course."

Ada stared at him. "Are you saying..."

He nodded.

"We need the two of you in order to defeat them." He scratched his beard thoughtfully. "Tell me Ada, have you ever performed magic before?"

Ada shook her head.

"Until recently I didn't even know I had any."

Ruby clasped her hands.

"Then it is as good time as any to start training."

She sat on the ground and patted the blue grass beside her. Ada sat down still mesmerized by the blue grass as the first time she arrived in Niria.

"Now, the Horsemen are immensely powerful and won't be gone for good with the usage of weapons. We will need the power of the master ring in order to destroy them. And here's when you two come into play as the masters of the rings."

Ada remembered the chill from their rising and shivered. She didn't have any wish to meet them again.

"There are four of them. Before we take one out they will have us crushed!"

Ailinn grinned.

"And that's where we come in. Our magical weapons will have them stunned while you do away with them."

Faust chimed in.

"We better hurry before they bring an end to the world!"

Ada felt her chest tighten. She hadn't remembered using magic anytime before and now she was supposed to master this mighty ring in no time?

"How am I supposed to master it in such a short time? And what about her?" She pointed towards Cleopatra who hasn't said a word since they arrived.

Ruby followed her gaze.

"She is quite familiar with it." She turned back to Ava. "And you don't need to master its whole power. There will be one particular spell you need for this. But first some basics. Close your eyes and focus. Try to feel its power flowing through you."

Ada closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She tried to search for it to no avail. She opened her mouth but Ruby interrupted her before she could speak.

"Don't stop, you will do it."

Ava sighed. "And when I do... we fight."

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