Lost And Found

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"Can you drive any faster, Benny?" You asked. "Relax, (Y/n)." Aggie said. "We've arrived." Benny said. "Wow. Turning gray sure has made you a careful driver, Benny." Marnie asked. Benny turned and looked at her. "Have we met?" He asked. "Well, yeah, but the last time, you were just skin and bones." You said. You and Marnie laughed as Benny looked at his hands in horror. "Thank you for the ride, dear. We're in something of a hurry." Aggie said. Aggie opened the gate and the four of you walked to her house. "Come on, children, let's get inside." Aggie said. "What do you think Cal's going to do to the mortal world?" Marnie asked. "Well, he clearly shares his father's hatred of humans, but if he's willing to break the Code of Merlin, which forbids stealing the spells of another, then I think that we can safely assume that he's capable of anything. Now no more talk until we're inside, and even if he's still eavesdropping, he won't be able to hear us in my house." Aggie said. The four of you went into her house. "I hope the Gray Spell hasn't changed any..." You looked around as you saw that everything was gray. "I like what you've done with the place." Luke said. "I can't believe Cal did this with a spell out of your book We'll never undo it." You said. "Oh, I'd agree with you, dear, if there was only one copy of my spell book. But what he doesn't know is there are two." Aggie said. "Two?" Marnie asked. "They're matched sets, two complete copies. I took the one I usually use to the mortal world with me, and the other one is still here." Aggie said. She paused then said "Someplace." "Well, then, let's look for it." You said. The three of you then frantically began to search the house for the second book, as Luke just stood there. Marnie walked up to him.

"You can help out, you know." She said. "I'm kinda hungry." He said. "Ugh!" Marnie said. You, Marnie and Aggie began to look around frantically again. "It's not here." Aggie sighed and sat down. You took out a book. "How about that one?" You asked. "No, that's not it. That's too small." Aggie said. "How about this? This?" Marnie asked as she took out some papers. "It's just a big... it's a big book." Aggie said. "Then some of these. Here, here. I know. Here. This is it." You said. "We can't find it." Aggie said. "Grandma, we can't just give up." Marnie said. "She's right. There's gotta be something we haven't thought of, right? I mean, something to get us out of this trap, a spell or..." You said. You then heard a strange sound and looked to see Luke back to normal. "Luke!" Marnie said. "Yeah." He said. "Look! You're a goblin again. Something broke the spell." You said. "I guess so." He said. "Well, what happened, Grandma? Did you say something?" You asked. Aggie walked over. "Not that I'm aware of." She said. "Then how come I'm not gray anymore?" Luke asked. "Hmm. I suppose the spell could be temporary." Aggie said. "Then maybe the spell on the house will wear off, and we can find your spell book." Marnie said. "But if takes too long, midnight will pass, and the mortal world." Aggie said. "Grandma, you already said the spell book isn't here. What else can we do?" You asked. "Well, I haven't seen that other spell book for decades. Perhaps it's lost." Aggie said, then she smiled. "Grandma, why are you smiling? That's terrible." Marnie said. "No, no, dear, not at all, because, you see, if it's lost, I know just where it is." Aggie said. "Huh?" You asked. "Everything that's lost in both worlds always ends up at Gort's house. He's the junk man of the universe." Aggie said.

Time Skip

You, Marnie, Aggie and Luke were back in the cab. Benny gave Aggie a check. "Your receipt." He said. "Mail it, dear." Aggie said. "Great, Benny. OK, now to Gort's house, and step on it." Marnie said. Benny put it away and started the car. "You should see him when he's not in a hurry." Luke said.

Time Skip

You four walked up to a stone house. "Where'd all the junk go?" Luke asked. "Looks like Gort's been straightening up ever since the Gray Spell hit." You said. "Oh, you'd still better prepare yourself, my dear. Spell or no spell, Gort the Rancorous is still the foulest, meanest, smelliest inhabitant of Halloweentown." Aggie said. You four went to the door and Aggie knocked. A normal looking man walked out. "Yes?" He asked. "Hello, Gort. You're looking... clean." Aggie said. "Um, do you need something?" He asked. "I'm busy, you see, sorting my socks." Gort said. "Uh, yes, Mr. Gort, sir. We were looking for a book." Marnie said. "Oh, I see. Well, come right in. I have several books." Gort said. You shrugged and you four walked in. "Well, here they are." He said. Aggie took two books off the shelf. ""Proper Toenail Cutting." "Dusting for Fun and Profit"? You asked. ""100 Recipes for Tapioca. You know, I don't think whoever lost these is missing 'em much." Luke said. "Gort, these can't be all the books you've got." Aggie said. "Well, I sold the rest at the yard sale." He said. "Yard sale?" You asked. "Oh, yes. This place was very messy. I only kept the useful books. I'll sell these socks, too, as soon as I match them up." He said. You four walked up to him. "Gort, there was a particular book, an extra copy of my spell book. Do you remember who you sold it to?" Aggie asked. You wall waited for an answer. "Do you think these two match?" He asked. Aggie looked at you. "No, I suppose not." He said. You four walked away from him. "Well, we've hit a dead end. You know, that book could be anywhere." Aggie said. "OK, I say we head back to the mortal world." Marnie said. Suddenly Aggie's hands began to turn gray. "The spell - it's coming back." Luke said. Aggie looked at her hands. "Grandma, wh... what's happening?" You asked. "It's the Gray Spell. It's affecting me now that we're in Halloweentown. It's probably gonna go after you, too, dears." Aggie said. "We've gotta get out of here." Luke said. He went to the door to open it, but it wouldn't open. "The door. it won't open." Luke said. "What? There are no windows, either." Marnie said. "Grandma, you gotta do something." You said. "Oh, dear. Oh, I can't. The Gray Spell must be draining our powers." Aggie said as the rest of her body turned gray.

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