The Final Battle

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"Timeline?" You asked. He then walked over to the closet and opened the door. You walked to the door and saw a blue tunnel with years flying by. "Wow, how does it work?" Marnie asked. "The timelines tell us what year it is in the mortal world. The past is one direction, future is the other. You know, that looks just like." Gort said. "You know, that looks just like a Stephen Hawking description of a non-stellar black hole." You said. "And your point is?" Luke asked. "Theoretically, black holes can accelerate time." You said. "And that would help us how?" Luke asked. "Just follow the fastest-moving timeline. Now get out of here." Gort said. "Gort, I'm a goblin. Theoretically, I can't fly." Luke said. "Oh, yes, you can." Marnie said. She then took out her small broom. "What's that?" Luke asked. "That." You said, as Marnie made it big enough for you to fly on it. "Is her new-and-improved broom." You said. "Grandma gave it to me." Marnie said. "Wow." Luke said. Marnie took out the handle. "Cool, huh?" She asked. Marnie sat down on the broom, and you sat behind her. "Come on, get on." You said. "Could you lower it a little?" Luke asked. Marnie rolled her eyes and lowered it. "Well, come on, just swing your leg over." She said. "I'm a little afraid of flying." Luke said. "Oh, do you wanna stay here?" You asked. "No." He said. "Thought so." You said. Luke got on behind you. Marnie lifted into the air. "Whoa, whoa. Just hold on a minute." Luke said. "Thanks, Gort. We are out of here!" Marnie said as she flew into the tunnel. "Goodbye and good riddance!" Gort said. " We're never gonna make it. The portal closes in just a few minutes, and we're only in the 1600s." Luke said. "Hey, I think we should try to go into that black hole over there." Marnie said as she pointed to a black hole up ahead. "And what if this black-hole theory, let's say, doesn't work?" Luke asked. "Whoa!" You said as Marnie flew past the years and back into the present in Halloweentown. You landed on the floor next to Marnie. Aggie and Gort saw you and Marnie, then went back to sorting socks. "Grandma." You said. Luke nodded. "You can do it." He said. You nodded.

"Trapa." You said. Aggie then went back to normal. "Oh." She said. "Yes!" Marnie said. You and Marnie ran to her. "Grandma, we have to go back to the mortal world." You said. "Yes... yes. Are you ready?" Aggie asked. "Yes." You said. You and Marnie put your hands together. "From Halloweentown depart we now, on this, the night, All Hallow's Eve, back into the mortal world. Through the portal, we take our leave!" You both said. Then the portal appeared, and it was closing. "No!" Marnie said. She ran to keep the doors open. "It's closing." Aggie said. "It can't close now, it can't!" Marnie said. You looked through the portal and saw Gwen trying to get her mask off. "No!" You said. "Pull from the top." Gwen said. "I'm trying." Sophie said. "Mom!" Marnie said. "3, 2, 1!" The people said as the door closed. Marnie looked back at you. "It's too late." Luke said. "I can't believe it. The portal's closed. We're gonna be stuck here for a year of mortal-world time." You said. "I suppose it'll give us time to train you two, as we planned to do. And then, when the portal opens again, we'll be ready to fight Cal." Aggie said. "Just wait for a year of mortal time? It's gonna feel like a century here." Marnie said. "Whatever." Luke said as he sat down. "No, not whatever. It's all my fault. It's all my fault Mom's been turned into this horrible creature. There's gotta be something we can do." Marnie said.

"Marnie, I love them, too, but I can't change the rules." Aggie said. "Then maybe we can." You said. You took the blue phone from Aggie. "What are you doing?" She asked. "I'm calling Sophie." You said. "Sophie. Soph, are you there?" You asked. "(Y/n) is that you?" She asked. "Sophie, listen to me. We're gonna open the portal." You said. "We can't. It's after midnight." She said. "I don't care. That's not gonna stop me. The portal hasn't always been there. It was created by magic, and nobody's magic is stronger than ours, right?" You asked. "I guess so." Sophie said. "No. You've got to believe it. And Dylan has to, too. Come on. What do you say?" You asked. "OK, but how do we do it? There's no spell for this." Sophie said. "We'll just have to make up our own. Are you ready?" You asked. Marnie held Aggie's hand. You held hers and offered your other hand to Luke. "Hey, I'm no warlock." Luke said. "We need somebody who believes that anything is possible. Do you believe that?" Marnie asked. "If you're there, yeah." Luke smiled and took your other hand. "Grandma." Marnie said. "I'm not sure how this'll work out, but I've always believed in you two." Aggie said. You smiled. Sophie grabbed Dylan's hand and all of you said the spell together. "We call on the dreams of creature and mortal, to heal the wound that worlds divide. From now on, we each can create a portal, and each of us our own path decide. We call on the dreams of creature and mortal, to heal the wound that worlds divide. From now on, we each can create a portal, and each of us our own path decide." You said.

Suddenly Cal saw the portal forming. "What is that?" He asked. Sophie and Dylan looked to see it too. "Something's happening!" Sophie said. Everyone looked to see the portal trying to form. "I can't believe it. They're trying to open the portal." Cal said. "We call on the dreams of creature and mortal, to heal the wound that worlds divide. From now on, we each can create a portal, and each of us our own path decide." You all said. Then the portal opened. You and Marnie walked through. "Yes!" Marnie said. "Marnie! (Y/n)!" Sophie said. Dylan and Sophie ran over. You hugged Sophie and Dylan. "We did it!" You said. "Oh, look, there's Sophie." Aggie said. "No. It's impossible!" Cal said. "Good job." Marnie said. "That's him." Sophie said. Aggie gasped as Cal walked over. Dylan grabbed Sophie and pulled her closer protectively. You walked up to Cal. "I don't care how strong you think you are, but you could never beat me!" Cal said. "Your only power was the power to keep us apart, Cal. And now you don't have that power anymore. We don't have to hate each other. Just give me back Aggie's spell books." You said. "Dad was right. You're the enemy, and you always will be." Cal said. "You told me you make your own decisions. Don't let your father's hate decide for you now." You said. "Go ahead. Take the books." Cal then set them out and put vines and lightning around them. "I'd like to watch." He said. "Is good stronger than evil? Let's find out." Cal said. "I'm not afraid of you. I may feel sorry for you, and I'd like to help you, but I'm not afraid of you." You said. Your body glowed an orangish yellow light as you stepped forward. "(Y/n) be careful." Marnie said. You reached your hands toward the books. Everyone watched in anticipation.

You then reached for them and grabbed the books. Cal screamed as the vines and lightning surrounded him before he disappeared. "He'll be back." Luke said. "And we'll be waiting... together. Grandma, will you do the honors?" Marnie asked. "Of course, dear." Aggie took one of the books and opened it. She then read the spell and everyone went back to normal. Cindy took out her fake vampire teeth. "Wow, I just had the weirdest dream. Was I asleep?" She asked. Her friend chuckled. "Well, I don't know who put this all together, but let's have a big hand for the best Halloween party ever, huh?!" A man said. Everyone cheered. "Mom. You're OK." You said. You and Marnie ran and hugged her. She hugged you both. "I don't know if I'll ever stop you guys from fighting, but at least you won't have to fight over me anymore. I know you both have things to teach me, and now I don't have to choose." You said. "I'm not sure what I'm going to teach you. It seems (Y/n) already knows more than I do." Aggie said. "We better go back to Halloweentown and get rid of the Gray Spell." Marnie said. "Quite right. You coming?" Aggie asked. "I don't think so, Mom. This is my world. But I guess the kids can come and visit you any time they want now that they've figured out their way around the rules." Gwen said. "Then you can expect me for dinner next Halloween. You be good, sweetheart." Aggie said. "Oh, you too, Mom." Gwen said. You said bye to her then followed Aggie.

"All right, come on. Let's get you out of here before somebody gives you the prize for best mask. You said to Luke. "Ya think?" Luke asked. "Yeah. You, too." Aggie said to Sophie. You retuned to Halloweentown as Sophie began undoing the spell on everything. "Just try it." You said. "He's busy." Dylan said. "I've got your receipt... right here." Benny said. "Trapa." Dylan said. Suddenly Benny turned back to normal. "Wow, talk about going on a crash diet. Ha-ha." Benny said. You pat Dylan on the shoulder before walking away. Aggie turned the block back into a pumpkin. Everyone cheered. "Yay!" Sophie said. Gort walked into the crowd. "What's everybody so happy about?" He asked. "So this World Wide Web I've heard about does it involve spiders?" Aggie asked. "Grandma... I think it's time maybe we started your training." You said. "Ooh, I'd like that. Yeah. I'd like that." Aggie said.

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