He sat on his bed, reading his book. His flashlight blared across the weathered pages illuminating the small black letters. His face contorted as he read the words I had scrawled upon his page, his flashlight fell on the book. His breath picked up speed. His heart started racing as he sat up and looked around the room trying to find the author of the note. He quickly grabbed his flashlight. I stood in the shadows in his room as he shined his flashlight around frantically trying to find me. I watched quietly as the light passed through me. He got out of bed and began to search the house looking for me. I peed on his bed. Then with my icy cold breath I breathed on his bed until the whole thing froze. I then took his book and pooped in the pages. He came back to the room, shocked to find his bed frozen solid and bright yellow and his once blue book now smothered in brown ghostly goop.
"So, the note was correct." He sighed as he looked back over the note written in the poopy book.
'Pee Pee Poo Poo'.
The End