Can We Be Friends?

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Shailene's POV

It's been a week since I went to dinner with Theo. Today is Saturday, I'm really board, maybe I'll go shopping today. I get up and go shower, get dressed and grab my key purse and go out to my car.

I get to my car and see Theo out in his yard mowing the lawn.  I get into the car and drive to the mall. When I get to the mall I shop and my favorite store then I got to the food court. Once I get board I decide to go home.

When I get home I grab half my bags and walk inside.  I unlock the door and set all the bags down. I start to walk back outside.


"Sorry Shai" Theo has the other half of my bags in his hands. God how considerate can he be.

"That's fine" I say still trying to steady my breath.

"So what are you doing here" I try not to sound rude but I sound really bitch went I said that but Theo didn't notice

"Um.." Theo says scratching his head " I was wondering if you wanted to come to one of my photo shoots with me"

"Really"  I tried not to sound too eager

"Yeah  I saw you had one of my photos I took in your hallway so I was just wondering"

"Yes I would love too"

"Okay be ready to go really early I'm coming at 3"

"In the morning"

"Yes when else, I'm getting the sun rise over Hollywood"


"So be ready to go at 3 okay"


and then he left  

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