Stick Me

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The day my life changed

"Just two more hours and work will be done" I would've thought a world known scientist would be less excited to finish the day, maybe he had something good at home? I bet the coffee was better than the ones I served him throughout the day. Let's just say this lab was the first time for more than just experiments,

In the beginning, Dr Stockman had been very quiet about what he was working on in his own little corner while I was given reactions a mouse could do, like single displacement reactions, combustions and the odd synthesis - but the more I asked subtly, the more he'd accidentally tell me something. It was always so exciting no matter what age when you found out things you weren't meant to know...this one, but I wish I hadn't

It was only as we were about to finish, this man followed by some sort of followers stormed into the lab. He was rough with Dr Stockman which meant he didn't care too much about what could happen to him, or if anything could happen to him at all- we were so screwed. I didn't dare move from the desk, just stood there frozen- my lips stayed tightly shut as my lungs told me to laugh in order to lighten the mood, this guy would surely take it as an insult

I was one of those people who laughed nervously in any situation to calm my own nerves, I wasn't stupid- just was well aware of when the situation was likely unsurvivable. This lab was filled with god knows how many components - if a fight broke out in here, we'd go up in flames very fast among other things "Miss Lennox, nothing that you witness here leaves this room - do we understand each other?"

My eyes didn't leave the newcomers "Of course Dr Stockman, my lips are sealed" the option of leaving the building without a word must've already been decided against, I mean how trust worthy could teenage girls be? According to older generations, we lived on our phones and drowned ourselves in makeup - did he think I'd tell the world that my life was at risk?

Right now, my phone was the last thing on my mind - sure I knew exactly where it was, but using it wasn't something I'd even considered at all today. I was so enthralled by the science at work, but that enthralment had twisted into a dark sense of fear I hoped I'd never experience in my life - the two criminals had been reported for escaping transport, that's when I realised so had the man in the middle...crap

The men started to talk as two of the criminals rummaging through the equipment they were unfamiliar with - it was like watching a toddler play with a teacup, the rush I felt to grab things out of their hands was too much so I quickly turned around and proceeded to mix chemicals, nothing harmful but something calming in the storm

For a short moment - that was my happy place, just watching the zinc shard zoom around the test cylinder with a quiet hiss. I quietly mimicked the sound with my tongue trying to think how I'd record it in my report, would it count as extra credit? I doubt anything happening right now could be mentioned but if I could just gain those extra points...maybe I'd go up a grade?

The moment I turned round to ask the query was the wrong one. Instead of the dart landing itself beneath the skin on the back of the neck like the other two, it had plunged directly into my windpipe through tbe front of my neck - my smile faded to a sign of panic as air became very difficult to access...but the lockdown button had already been pressed, I was alone - the doctor could only watch his mistake  from afar

My knees buckled beneath me as panic began to set in, I'd learnt about this- I knew what to do in any moment except now. They never taught you about how adrenaline scrambled your brain and all knowledge of how to save yourself. My fingers wrapped around the dart as I hit the floor, if I removed it - I'd die much faster...but that didn't seem to be the only thing changing

I rolled onto my back laughing at my own fear, which came out more as airless wheeze. It was almost funny - I'd came here to learn, but I was actually doing the opposite...but the sound that came out of me, wasn't one I was familiar with. Never in my life had I heard something so dark and haunting escape my lungs...there was also this girl, she was on floor where the barrier had been damaged eyeing one of the vials

My hand outstretched for hers, if what I was going to do would work - I didn't want to be alone for all of it. My hand gripped the dart in the middle of my neck as she took ahold of my hand hesitantly, we were behind a few chairs so quite hidden but it was still risky - now I really had to do this or she'd be risking her life for nothing

After mentally counting down, I yanked the needle out and put it in her hand. I thought that would get her to leave and be safe, but then she dashed across the room to grab another...then she was gone, and I was left on the floor to die. The sensations inside me changed over and over, I'd read Stockman's spreadsheets - my DNA was supposed to be re-writing itself

Perhaps it would've felt better if I wasn't suffocating? Maybe I would've enjoyed the rush like the others if the room was fading and out of vision, if my body wasn't flooded in pins and needles that would never go away. I wasn't gonna lie - I had some good potential in me, so it seemed stupid that it had gone to waste, but life was life...

And I was living it...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2022 ⏰

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