˚✧ ゚. Year 4 - Triwizard Tournament Announcement

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Author's Note: Sorry to anyone who speaks French about all the French in this. It's all the translation is done by reverso.net so it's their fault because I've already said that I can't write French. Also, all you readers, even you silents yes, I see you too; I don't always comment. I just want to remind all of you to vote on The Yule Ball Dresses I want you to be able to choose it but if no votes are in then I will have to choose myself I want to let you guys choose yourself. Pretty please vote thanks on dresses. Also there's a couple musical theatre references because I'm me.

Y/N and Lucille got dropped off by the carriage at the gate of Beauxbatons castle. They always arrived a little late into the afternoon, it was very routinely something Madame Maxime seemed to love with an undying passion.

The castle was so white that it looked like a pale blue and wisteria flowers were hanging from different places giving the castle a more enchanting feel, almost as if it was transparent. It was apparent that Perenelle Flamel, one of the donors of Beauxbatons, seemed to have a taste for pale blue since it was in almost every corner of the castle. Gardens were another thing that Ms. Famel seemed to enjoy since several classes took place in the gardens.

The girls headed up the spiraling staircase toward the fourth-year dorms. The routine for the first day back had been consistent to a tea for years. Go up to the dorms, if you were a first year you would be taken up by Head Girl and Head Boy. Wait until exactly 6 then head towards Le Grande Salle (The Grand Hall). You should be in Le Grande Salle by 6:30 and then the doors to Le Grande Salle close. After that, Madame Maxime explains everything to the first years and anything new for that year which is barely anything, and then you are allowed to eat the eight-course meal. Extremely routinely.

When Y/N and Lucille reached the Fourth Year Girls' Dorms, they found themselves in a reception area like usual which led to a hallway full of bedrooms. They look at the signposts hanging from next to the door frame to find an empty signpost. They found an empty sign around the middle of the hallway and entered the room which made the sign write their names on it. The bedrooms were the same as always: two queen size canopy beds with pale blue curtains all around with pale blue curtains and a mix of cream-colored and pale blue bed sheets. There was an ottoman in front of the beds; the beds were across each other with regal pale blue sofas and a cream and gold coffee table separating the beds and cream and gold nightstands next to the beds and cream and gold colored dresser and matching vanity with pale blue chair. There was a giant closet full of pre-stocked pale blue uniforms and simple yet elegant nightgowns. Next to it was a bathroom with a bath surrounded by towels in the back and on the other side were sinks with counter space, off to the side there was a smaller room with a toilet.

"Tu sais ce qui se passe?" (Have you heard what's happening) Lucille asked while unpacking her trunk.

"Non, ce qui se passe?" (No, what's happening) Y/N responded, putting away some books of hers on an empty shelf of the bookcase at the same time.

"D'après ce que j'ai entendu, il s'agissait d'un voyage à Hogwarts" (From what I heard, it was something to do with traveling to Hogwarts.)

With the last word, Y/N's head snapped away from the bookcase and she looked Lucille dead in the eye. "Hogwarts, " Y/N stated, eyes wide but gleaming with a certain hope.

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Y/N and Lucille were waiting outside Le Grande Salle. When the golden doors opened, a flood of primly walking students entered sitting at the different tables. The Hall looked like a movie scene of a wedding, with several circular tables with pale blue tablecloths rimmed with gold. There were dainty white plates and silverware that was made of gold.

Fleur waved to Y/N and Lucille and the two fourth-years went over to join her. It was three of them against the world. No one was truly friends with Fleur in her year since she was considered to be one of the best and no one could compete with her. Being a Veela didn't help the way she was perceived, well except for Lucille who realized that she was bi. Lucille never had a crush on Fleur but after Fleur, she started thinking that girls were pretty in a different way than before.

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