Day 31: Aaron's Birthday

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From Flufftober 2022.

Prompt: : A Sweet Treat

Eyyyy, it's the last day!

"Okay, one your marks,"David Smallbone boomed. "Get set...die!"

Vince lunged forward, then stopped. Ben attempted to do the same, but fell over.

"Daaaad,"Joel complained.


Ben leapt up from the ground. They all ran forward, and started to tear up the house. They were looking for a ring box-the first of many. It was Halloween AND Aaron's birthday, and they were doing a classic for KING & COUNTRY thing: scavenger hunts.

Helen Smallbone watched with a scowl. She hadn't agreed to her husband's decision to allow the band and family to rummage through her house, but Courtney hadn't donated her place, and no one else had a suitable place.

David could clean.

Yes, he would.

They dug around, searching for the Halloween-themed ring box. Vince rummaged through Helen's cabinets, mixing up the spices, to Helen's horror.

Daniel Jones looked behind the couches, a favorite spot for grandchildren to hide. He didn't find anything, besides Phoenix.

Aaron looked through David's closet. In between flannel pajamas, he found it: an engraved ring box featuring pumpkins and bats.

He ran down the stairs, squealing in excitement.

"Somebody is having a good birthday,"Zucchini said, before pulling something out of his pocket.

It was an engraved ring box featuring pumpkins and bats.

"What?"the guys exclaimed.

David grinned."There were two. Congratulations, Zucchini, Aaron."

"Do we split the prizes?"Aaron asked.

"What is this, my first day?"David asked. He looked offended.

He motioned to his wife. Helen, with an eye roll, went into her walk-in pantry and pulled out a massive box. She handed it to David, before pulling out another.

They handed the boxes to the winners.

"What's inside?"Zucchini asked, opening the black box.


A massive three-layer cake laid inside.

It was black, decorated with orange, dark purple, and Disney Villain green piping. There were rosettes and lines and swirls. It was stunning.


"CHILDREN!"Courtney belted. She'd had enough of church members asking why her littlest said "what the fuck?" all the time. That one on one with the pastor had NOT been fun. And, of course, Luke had conveniently been in bloody NEBRASKA and too busy to video call.

"Sorry,"Zucchini apologized, sincerely.

Courtney relented. They were buddies-ish. He understood that it wasn't easy for her, and that she often felt neglected.

"This is so cool,"AAA battery said.

"Is this the cake we're cutting?"Joel asked.

"Oh, no it's not,"Helen said. "Zucc, gimme a hand, please."

Zucchini joined her at the pantry and helped her push a cart carrying a truly massive cake. It had five layers, and was shaped as a castle of sorts, almost like the house from Practical Magic. One layer was a pumpkin, and there were black cats, witch's hats, and marshmallow ghosts. The whole complicated process had been chaotic, yet wonderful-as Zucchini and Vince knew, having been enlisted to assist Helen and Courtney.

Aaron gasped.

"That's for me?"he asked, in awe, almost as if this was a dream.

"Nah, buddy, it's for Prince William- the real one in Britain, not William Wessex Middleton,"Zucchini said.

"Come on, now,"David said. He lifted his arms, and conducted the guys as they sang a harmonized Happy Birthday. Luke sang soprano.

Aaron wiped away tears as the song ended and he blew the candle-not a birthday candle, but one of those altar candles with a Halloween twist-out.

Zucchini presented him with a knife- shaped like a dagger, with an engraved black hilt and a sharp tip, Aaron recognized it as a piece from Zucchini 's fancy knife collection (don't ask).

He cut into the top layer of cake, and hundreds of Skittles poured out.

"Oh my gosh!"he exclaimed.

"Surprise!"Vince exclaimed. "Nico was not happy they all went to your cake."

"All?"Zucchini asked. "He ate a fourth of the bag. And got sick."

"True,"Vince conceded.

"He was cute, though. Except when he cried. And vomited."

"Anyway,"Helen interrupted. "I'll cut this up as we get the presents started, yes?"

"Ooh, yes!"Zucchini said. "I got you the best thing."

He picked out a large black bag from the pile of presents in the living room.

"I thought I was first,"Phoenix protested.

"Please be second?"Zucchini asked. He bent down and whispered, "I'll give you extra cake and Skittles?"


Zucchini handed Aaron his present.

"It's a...vest?"

The vest was a reddish velvet, absolutely stunning.

"And?"Zucchini prompted.

Aaron put his hand back in the bag. He pulled out an antique pocket watch.

"Holy Courtney will kill me!"Aaron exclaimed, to laughter.

"And?"Zucchini prompted.

"There's more?"

"Your bet your-"Zucchini made eye contact with Courtney-"behind there is."

Aaron pulled out an Art Nouveau brooch in the shape of a bat. It had two golden-hued stones-possibly citrines, to his absolutely untrained eyes. It was stunning.

"Isn't this yours?"Aaron asked.

"Not the same one. I had a copy made, so we can match. I also had one made for Vince, but he's not getting his until Christmas."

"What? That's not fair,"Vince protested.

"Sucks to suck, buddy."

"Cake,"Helen said, handing a plate to the birthday boy.

Later that night...

"Ohhhh,"Joel moaned.

"Ew, stop,"Vince said, rubbing his stomach.


Joel rubbed his arm. Next to him, Ben and Zucchini laid in a food coma. Aaron laid on the couch with his head on Zucchini's lap and his body on Joel's.

"Was it a good birthday?"Luke asked Aaron.

"Absolutely,"was the response.

Aaaaand that concludes Flufftober 2022.

The end. 

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