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It took two seconds for Impulse to realise that what he, Tango and Zedaph were doing was Very Stupid (trademark). 

'Bet we can survive a raid without dying.'

'What?' Impulse replied, looking over at Zedaph with a frown. 'That's a really bad idea.'

'Oh come on, you think you'll die in a raid?! They're easy to defeat. It's just a bit of fun... a distraction from everything else.' Tango insisted. 'While our best friends are fighting each other, we can just have a laugh and pretend it isn't happening.'

'I don't think fighting a raid is the best way to do that.'

'Well, I've already got bad omen...'

'ZEDAPH WHY?!' Impulse didn't know why he so close to crying. 'Seriously! I don't want to lose either of you.' 

Tango's expression grew serious.

'Impulse, if you want to sit out you can. But I want to believe everything's still somewhat normal... and Zed does too.' A nod.

A pause. Impulse didn't reply, staring at the ground as his foot scuffed against it. 

'I don't know...' He didn't want to die. But whatever he did he wouldn't stop Tango and Zedaph... with a sigh he accepted what he had to do. 'I'll join you.'

'Great. We will try to stay safe.' Tango kind smile forced Impulse to give one back, as he prepared to fight a raid in a world where dying to a mob turns you into a monster.

'Ok, have we got everything?' Tango said for the fifth or sixth time, holding a sword.

'Set spawn.' Zedaph reminded. They all did.

'And... we start raidificating.' 

So they did. 

The first two waves went by easily, golden apples, arrows, and shields providing easy protection against the pillagers and vindicators. Confidence grew, and by the time the third wave had begun, all three were enjoying themselves.

'IMPULSE LOOK OUT!' Tango yelled, just in time for his friend to turn and shoot down the approaching vindicator. A yell back of thanks before he was hit by an arrow. Impulse turned, shooting back quicker, killing it. Meanwhile, Zedaph was fending off the first ravager easily with a bucket of lava and soon they were onto the fourth round. 

Another ravager ran for Zedaph, but a hasty enderpearl sent him away across the village. He avoided imminent death to an evoker, stabbing it with a sword and shooting down as many vexes as he could before they killed him. A couple more pillagers were on Impulse, but his shield and a bucket of lava stopped their progress. Tango took to the air to escape a vindicator, firing down from midair. Fourth round over, and onto the fifth.

'I told you there was nothing to AAAAAAHH!' Tango turned barely in time to stop a ravager from hitting him again, shooting arrows for all he was worth before flying away as Zedaph covered it in lava. Food, health regained, landing on a roof and going for an evoker who'd ended up in a hole. Impulse grimaced, but kept fighting off a group of 5 pillagers with his bow, thankful for the arrows they were dropping and wishing he'd got infinity.

'Yeah, nothing to worry about.' Agreed Zedaph, pouring lava on a collection of half the mobs and killing them, before rudely being knocked into it himself. Fire resistance did it's job, as did the ravager that was slowly burning to death in taking a huge bite for the Z of team ZIT before it died. Picking up the lava again, he waded free. 


'HELP!' Came a loud yell from Tango. Impulse and Zedaph were there in seconds, firing arrows and everything at the evoker that he's ended up in a hole with. 'FIREWORKS! I NEED FIREWORKS!'


'I DIDN'T CHECK HOW MANY I HAD!' Zedaph threw some over, and Tango struggled to fly out, before breaking his way out and freeing the evoker too. Impulse continued his constant arrows at the vexes, but nothing could stop the terrifying row of spike teeth growing from the ground, right where Tango stood.

Tango was slain by evoker

'Oh no.' Was all Zedaph said. 'That's not good.' He shot down the evoker. Impulse didn't speak, staring at where his friend had been. 

'Yeah, it's not.' Was what he finally said. 'It's really not.'

'And he set his spawn here.'

'WHY DID WE SET OUR SPAWNS HERE?!' Impulse screamed, shoving Zedaph suddenly away. 'I KNEW THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!'

'I didn't know this would happen!'

'This is the worst idea you've ever had.' Snarled Impulse, tears filling his eyes. 'Ever. You- you should've expected SOMETHING to happen!'

'Put one of them in a hole and kill the rest.' Decided Zed eventually. 'You're right.' 

Impulse began shooting at the pillagers again, running around the back of the buildings, arrow after arrow until he'd run out... one ended up in the boat Zed had left, and was easy enough to avoid as he finished with the others. Zedaph had said he'd handle the other ravager. Tango hadn't shown up yet.

Zedaph was slain by ravager

'S**T!' Impulse yelled. 'WHY?!' 

'Impulse?' Tango appeared on the roof, his eyes blue and robes now the black and gold of an evoker. Magic familiar from Cub and Scar glowed at his hands. 'Not like you to swear, is it?' Zedaph appeared behind with a growl. His skin was greyer, and he was definitely taller, muscled,  clothes torn.

'Get back.' Impulse pleaded. 'Please.'

'Come on, Impy. We're your friends.'

'I said get back!' He pointed his sword at what used to be his best friends. 'Or I kill you!' 

Tango raised a hand and a swarm of vexes appeared, momentarily harmless. Zedaph growled again as Impulse started backing away, hands sweaty as he reached for his fireworks, one still pointing the sword at Zed and Tango before they attacked.

Vexes flew at hin, followed by a terrifyingly fast Zedaph. Impulse scarpered, racing across the village in pure terror, taking to the sky, spamming rockets as his mind turned to mush and the worst idea ever faded into the background... where was he even going to go now... now... 

Large rocks appeared in front of him and he dived sharply down, into Grumbot's cave, landing, panting, before diving into a corner and crying.

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