chapter 11

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Author note: in this chapter I will use some Iguro POV because I can't do as much angst otherwise. After this chapter I will kinda need ideas since my head can't think anymore. I did so many square roots at algebra I don't even know anything anymore.
Peace out.

After I arrived at the headquarters, I waited for Iguro as long as my mind was already with him. His beautiful eyes were like the most beautiful jewels you could find, his voice had a calming  tone that could easily put me to sleep without any nightmare. (I'm using translate okay? I'm not a good writer.)

His laugh was like music to my ears and every time he waved at me I wondered what it would be like to be able to hold those thin but yet so strong hands.

I love them with all my being and nothing will change that. Even when I'm 6 feet underground I'll still love him. Thinking about him brought back the sensation of  coughing.

But as I saw the person I had to meet up with I quickly swallowed it that bringing me a sharp pain in my chest. I ignored it and Iguro got in front of me.
''Hello Tomioka.''
''Hello Iguro. How are you?''
''I'm all good. Lately you seemed really sick how have you  been?''

He said the word you a little more forcefully than it should have but I ignored that as well.
''I'm good. Don't worry about me. What would you like to do?''
He seemed to be thinking, but he didn't bring up the subject of me being sick, seeing that I didn't really want to talk about it.

''Would you like to go in the forest?''
I was a bit surprised by the question because since we got closer I found out that he didn't really like to stay in the woods and things like that.

''Of course. I like going there I can show you around.''
''That would be awesome.''
He looked at me happily and I could say that under his bandages he smiled. I really think that his smile would look cute, I only wonder why is he keeping his face hidden. I could ask him but for sure later.

After a short period of time we reached the forest. It was very beautiful there, being autumn, everything was colored in bright colors and everything looked beautiful just like the boy beside me.

I remember coming with Muichiro here some weeks ago, I wasn't sick then but the fact that I am now does not change the fact that I love him like a brother I never had. My sister being dead left a void that Sabito filled when we were children and he was like my older brother, but now Muichiro has filled the void that Sabito left unfilled and makes me see him, day by day, more and more as my younger brother. Q

We walked around until I felt something.

Apparently it was Iguro pulling  my sleeve and I looked down at him.
''Look at how beautiful this place looks.''
He looked everywhere, amazed at how beautiful the landscape was.

''Yes, it is truly extraordinary here.'' but my gaze was in the shorter boy next to me who was now clinging on my arm and laying his head on my shoulder. I loved his expression, he pooled like a small child at the toy store. I wish I could have froze that moment forever and stay like this with him forever.

He sat down still admiring the view as I admired him. The breeze gently ruffled his hair and made him look more beautiful. I wanted to kiss him but the fate wasn't really in my favor, either was the time.

I hate time. It's never fair to anyone. Most of the time, the person you care about disappears or dies because your time with that person is gone. It's not right, loved ones disappear from your life much too quickly most of the time.

''Do you like flowers?''
That question took me by suprise. I don't think he knew about what happened to me, I hope Kocho didn't told him and I sure didn't. Mitsuri doesn't know. So he doesn't know. '

''Yea I do. They are really beautiful. Like you. '' the last two words were barely hear able even for me.
''Yea they sure are. Do you want to know what's my favorite flower?''
The situation was very ironic at this moment. I am sick with a disease that makes me throw up my love's favorite flower and favorite color.

''What is it?''
He looked so beautiful with his hair slightly blown by the wind and his eyes of different colors.

But as I know the time is unfair.

I started feeling a lot of blood and my throat felt like it was being scratched by an angry cat. I immediately put my hands around my neck and Obanai was highly alerted by my action.

''Tomioka what the hell is going on?''
I was dizzy as hell and I could barely focus on the dots that once were Iguro.
''Tomika look at me! What's wrong?''
This feels like it already happen, well it did but in diferent circumstances.

''Tomioka!'' His voice was rapidly becoming more and more distant. I could no longer hear him if he said anything, everything was muffled and then black.

I'm sick of all this blackness.

Iguro POV (I already excused myself alright? And I'm making a longer chapter so don't complain 😌)

I saw how Tomioka quickly grabbed his neck and seemed to be in immense pain.  The deja-vú from the night when he got the hit for me hit me and tears started going down my face.
''Hey Tomioka!''
He closed his eyes not responding anymore. But that want even the worst part.

Half awake, half counconscious he started to cough violently. I freaked out not know what was happening. There was blood and to my shock there were flower petals and a half way cut flower. I was scared, I was shaking and the fear of losing him paralyzed me.

I started crying louder and some people came running towards us. They separate me and Tomioka but I couldn't say who they were due to my tears.
''Stop! I want to see him!''
''Mr Iguro calm down.''

They knew me? No that wasn't important now. Where were they taking us. I needed to help Tomioka just like he helped me.

I don't even know how my feelings for him are anymore but I needed to talk to him. I started blacking out myself due to the shock I fell asleep and I woke but in an other day.
1129 words with the author note.
I POSTED IT SOONER THAN I EXPECTED. Anygays I have homework now so I have to do that shit even if it's 1 am. Ignoring that gimme me ideas  since my brain decided to be stupid.

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