Chapter Nineteen

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Yeosang's pov

After my drunk incident with Seonghwa, we have been hanging out more often. He keeps making fun of me when the others aren't around and sometimes even blackmails me about the incident. I don't take it seriously, though. I've noticed that Wooyoung barely speaks to me anymore. We solved the necklace problem and he had no excuses, as always so I just brushed it off and forgave him. Nowadays, he's been avoiding me. Even when we had to pick a person to pair up with sometimes for dance practices or game nights with the members, he just picks San. He always used to pick me during our trainee days. It's like I don't exist in Wooyoung's world anymore and I miss him. I miss his hugs, his kisses, his cuddles and his lemony scent. Did I mess up our friendship? Was I being too clingy? Did I want too much from him?

I sigh deeply and bury my face into my hands while sitting on the couch. Seonghwa walked up to me and placed the fruits he had just peeled for us on the coffee table along with two tiny forks. "Yeosang?" He sat down beside me and I felt his hand resting on my neck which startled me a little, causing me to lean back slightly. "Hyung."

"What's on your mind, Yeosang? What is bothering you so much that you don't even hear me calling your name?" He worriedly asked, rubbing my back soothingly here and there. I could tell he knew I wasn't feeling well. I don't know whether to lie or to tell the truth.

"I'm just having a bad day, that's all." I responded with confidence, turning my gaze on him since I didn't want him to know I was lying. Maybe keeping an eye contact with him would make me feel a bit less uneasy.

"Sure if that's what you say. I'll let you go off easy today but just know that I'm always here for you."

I nodded my head and smiled back at him before staring at the fruits on the plate. They were cut into perfect sizes of cubes. I pick up my fork and stab it against an apple cube. "Say aaaah."

I held the fork against Seonghwa's lips, a bright smile on my face once I see him opening his mouth and taking a bite of the cube. He munched on it happily while smiling at me as he brought his hand up to ruffle my hair. "Thank you, sweetheart."

"Do you like my hair?"

"What kind of a question is that?" I could see him laughing inside. My question was a little weird but who cares.

He quickly noticed that I was being quiet and lifted my chin up with his index finger and his thumb.

"It's very soft. Just like those cheeks of yours"

"Which chee-"

"YeOsang." He pulled his hand away and rolled his eyes playfully. I burst out in laughter at his reaction. He was so cute.

His smile slowly turned into a grin. "I can't with you."

"I know I'm funny, just admit it."

"Hmmm, I'm funnier."

"Oh yeah?" I raise my brows and cross my arms, leaning my back against the soft sofa. "Tell me a joke then, SeongHawt." I challenged him.

"It's hyung and yes I will."

Let's see how this goes.

Seonghwa cleared his throat and sat down on the sofa with his legs crossed while sitting on the opposite side of Yeosang. He rested his hands on his lap.

"Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?"

Oh boy.

"No." I respond.

"He won the 'no bell' prize." His eyes stared into my soul.

What the fluff was that?


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