hallways of hell [chapter 3]

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》Joe's P.O.V.《

It was currently Tuesday morning. The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. This morning was almost so perfect that it could be a movie scene.

Joe's Travels

Is probably what I would call it. Of course I would be the main star. With my trusty sidekick Nathan beside me, and the love of my life, Zack, waiting for me at the end of the story.

Oh yeah.

My name is Joe, I am your typical teenager, who attends a typical highschool, and has typical friends, but a not so typical job.

I played video games for a living. Of course, it currently was not enough to make due on my own, or enough to fly out and see Zack every month.

I also had a best friend named Nathan, who also played video games for a living. Typically, Minecraft was uploaded to my channel, but on occasion, Nathan and I played games like C.O.D., and CS:GO.

I was known as; Tofuugaming. Nathan was knows as; Noboom, or NoboomGaming.

As for my love life. I was madly. As far as I knew, I was not straight, and was all for 'Tofuudiger1', which was the ship name of my boyfriend and I.

My boyfriends name was Zack. Zack, or Pokediger1. He was just so perfect. He had small, brown locks, and the most perfect lips, so pale and soft.

Sadly though, he happened to live miles and miles away from me, to visiting each other was only able to happen once a year, or when we visited different cons.

At the moment, I lived with my mother. I didn't exactly know who my father was. He left us when I was three, and never decided to come back. I wished I knew who he was. But I rarely thought I ever would. I also had a sister, but she left for college a year ago.

So now that you now know a little more about me, let's get back on topic. I had woken up at 6:00am Tuesday morning. It was time to head to school, and deal with the people I despise.

I wasn't treated quite the farest in the world. My school was hell. It mostly consisted of me ignoring everyone around me, with earbuds in, and Arctic Monkeys playing, whilst sprinting through hallways. Or being pushed around by people bigger then me, because I was quite small for my age.

I ate a lot, but was one of those people who could not gain any weight.

School was pretty much the worst thing that has ever happened to this planet. I mean yeah, education is important and all, but I dont think that a video gamer needs trigonometry to succeed in life. Stupid.

I was in grade eleven though, and Zack was in grade twelve. We didnt really care that I was younger.

I showered and got dressed in the best attire that I could put effort into. Which consisted of a snapback, jeans, converse, and a plain black t-shirt. You could practically call me hipster.

I lived walking distance from the school, and continued my daily routine. I dialed Zach's number, because I knew he was also on his way to school. It was 7:30am, because yes, I am slow in the morning.

The phone in my hand started to ring, and I waited for Zach to answer.

. . .

"Ayy Poke!" I said into the microphone, which made Zach giggle a lot.

I knew he was smiling. "Hey Joe! How are you?"

I straightened up as if he could see me, and cleared my throught. "I'm doing just fine! Thanks for asking." Our conversations in the morning were never long.

He then piped up. "I hope you have a good day at school!"

"Thanks babe," I said, and clicked my tongue at him. "you too alright?" I smiled and turned into sensitive Joe. "Don't let those douchebags at school get to you... m'kay?"

He sighed. "I won't. I love you Joe."

"I love you too Zack."

I hung the phone up and shoved it into my pocket.

He was so wonderful.


Hey guys!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

This books chapters are gonna be short compared to my other story!

But I hope you enjoy them!

Love you all! Xx

-Hannah May

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