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Hazel: I can't do this no more D

Deon: what you mean

Hazel: this drug- dealing shit

Deon: Hazel you chose to do this shit, I didn't make you

I leave his grasp and walk to my safe

Hazel: I know that asshole

Deon: What happened the first time you tried to leave? Why you ain't just leave when you had the chance?

Hazel: cause I ain't have shit D, no place, no money, I ain't have shit

Deon: what you wanna do now

Hazel: I wanna leave for real this time and move somewhere I won't know nobody.

Deon: Hazel you know I can't leave this shit

Hazel: why D

Deon: this is my home, I grew up in this, this is the only thing I know how to do

Hazel: but with all this money we have we could start over

Deon: I'm not leavin Hazel

I shrug and try to walk out but he grabs my arm

Deon: Hazel, you can't leave me baby

Hazel: I'm leaving

Deon: don't leave me to do this by myself

Hazel: I'm not bout to get killed or go to jail for you Deon, I already did that

Deon: Hazel you got one of the best drug-systems in America and you wanna give that up

Hazel:........ I don't know

Deon: 3 months that's all then if you still feel the same way I'll leave wit you

I lock up the T.H and we get in the Camaro

*Phone Rings*

Hazel: hello

???: hey uhh its me.... you remember the cop

Hazel: oh Hey

Cop:my name is Toni by the way

Hazel: nice name

Deon: who is that

Toni: uhh is there someone in the background

Hazel: oh no sorry about that

Toni: so umm I was wondering if you could go out to dinner with me

Hazel: uhhh I'm sorry Toni, I don't date cops

Toni: ahh really, this is awkward now but uhh why not

Hazel: I have my reasons

Toni: uhh ok if you change your mind give me a call

Hazel: ok sure

*hang up phone*

Deon: who the fuck was that and why you was talkin all proper and shit

Hazel: it was that cop guy

Deon: ight now Hazel don't get lil white boy killed

Hazel: you ain't bout to kill a damn cop nigga so stop playin

Deon: bout you baby girl I'll do anything

We pull up to his house

Deon: you stayin

Hazel: I don't know

Deon: come on H

Hazel: why you want me to stay so damn bad

Deon: I wanna show you somethin

Hazel: nah nigga don't trip, I'm not in the mood right now

Deon: Hazel, I'm not tryna have sex wit you

Hazel: who said anything bout having sex wit you...... cuz you ain't gettin in my pants

I get out the car and walk in the house and jus when I thought he was tellin the truth he wasn't..... meaning when I walked in the house he went right in for a kiss, I kissed back and ripped his shirt off exposing his tattoos, then he snatches my plaid shirt off showing most off my tattoos, he slips on a condom and without hesitating he enters me, I don't wanna go into details but we had sex

*The Next Morning*

I wake and see Deon's bare back and notice that I've left some scratches

Deon: I like my new tattoos Hazel

Hazel: haha my bad

Deon: it's cool cause I left you a few on your stomach

I lift the cover and see a heart made of hickies around my belly button

Hazel: wow really, Thanks baby

Wait what the hell did I jus say to this nigga...... ahh fuck I called him my fucking baby

Deon: No probl- wait you called me what

Hazel: I didn't mean t-

Deon: I guess you startin to care bout me

Hazel: I don't give a fuck bout you

Deon: ight Bae

*Deon's phone rings*

Deon: Yea Rob

Rob: Aye that nigga jakeTryna send yo ass to jail man

Deon: Fuck you mean

Rob: yea and you remember Hazel man

Deon: yea she my g-

Rob: she might testify against you

He looks at me mad....... what the fuck did I do

Deon: aye rob imma call you back

*hang up phone*

He pulls his gun out from the drawer

Deon: Hazel

Hazel: yea

Deon: so you wanna testify against me

Hazel: why would I do that

Deon: don't play dumb,Rob jus told me....... so you finna testify against me wit dat nigga jake you on his side now......... he killed my momma, Hazel I should kill you right now

Hazel: you don't even know what happened D

Deon: Nahh fuck dat, if you gon testify against me and take my streets away from me then imma kill you

Hazel: Then do it

He cocks the gun back and places the gun on my forehead...... I guess I'm ready to die and go to the heavens, I can feel tears forming in my eyes and I can also see Deon about to tear up a little then, BOOM!


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