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The weekend had finally rolled around. Belch didn't talk about how good his college tour was. Vic didn't bring up how the company he applied would possibly be hiring him.
Patrick never brought up what he wanted to show Henry.
Instead the group drove around town, just like Henry originally wanted.
None of them had a specific place they wanted to go. They just drove.

Eventually they ended up driving down the kissing bridge. And who do they see but none other than Richie Tozier and Eddie Kaspbrak.
"Pull over." Henry ordered.
The group got out of the car, slamming their doors behind them, causing the two younger boys to jump.
"What are you fags doing here?" Henry barked.
Eddie fumbled with his fanny pack, digging around in it for his inhaler. Richie legs slightly shook the closer and closer the gang got to them.
"Well? Say something!" Henry shouted.
"Bet these two were about to get some action with each other!" Patrick snickered. Belch and Vic laughed along with Patrick.

"Oh y-yeah? That's real sweet coming from you, Patrick!" Richie stuttered out. God he felt like Bill and not some hot brave super hero... "Didn't you get sucked off in the bathrooms by the new guy?"
Belch, Henry, and Vic looked over at Patrick, who's face was twisted into a snarl as he took a swing at Richie. Richie failed to dodge Patrick, resulting in his glasses getting broken.
Belch winced at the sight of glass shards digging into Patrick's knuckles. Patrick meanwhile didn't even seem to notice.
Patrick was huffing, anger boiling over in him. How fucking dare that little shit say something to him!
But one look back at the gang made him re collect himself. He brushed his hair from out of his eyes with a laugh.
"A blowie is a blowie, four eyes." He replied. "Close your eyes and you can't even tell its a fag anymore."

In that moment Eddie grabbed Richie's hand and bolted down the hill and into the forest. Maybe they could lose them in the trees, duck out in the club hideout until they're sure they are gone.
"Get 'em!"
As the gang bolted into the woods Henry couldn't help but think about what that glasses freak had said. I mean... He and the boys always kind of assumed Patrick's sexuality was part of why he is the way he is. So... Why isn't he bothered by it?
His dad always told him that only men and women could be together, anything other then that was a sin. He was taught that gay people would burn in hell.
So why wasn't he yelling at Patrick? Why wasn't he and the two other boys ganging up on him?

Henry shook his head in an attempt to clear his head. He wasn't yelling at Patrick because he needs him. He needs his fear factor he has on people. Yeah, that must be it.
But then why is Henry feeling that feeling again? Could... He be..?

He can't be!
He isn't! And if anyone told him otherwise then he'd fucking kill them.
He's going to find those two losers kids and beat the shit out of them.
Then he's going to forget all about this.

The gang ended up losing Eddie and Richie somewhere in the woods. Henry repeatedly punched a tree over and over as he screamed out.
Belch and Vic said they were going to keep looking.
And Patrick just stood off, watching Henry's anger come out. He couldn't tell if the anger was from losing the kids, or from the comment Richie made. Either way he didn't really care.
He didn't care what any of the guys think of him, he just didn't want Richie to get the last hit in. That's all he cared about.
Patrick sees sex as just that. Sex. No matter if it's with a chick or a guy. He gets it when he wants it and how he wants it. And that day Patrick wanted to get head. And he really didn't want to deal with Greta Bowie that day.
The new kid is shy, easy to get, easy to control. That's all Patrick wants.

Patrick left without saying anything. He was quickly getting bored of the situation and needed some entertainment, which he knew a certain fridge in a junk yard would provide.

A small part of him however was hoping that Henry would follow him. Oh how he wanted to show him all his little prizes he had in that fridge.
But Henry didn't follow.
As soon as Patrick was out of sight, and he was all by himself, he fell to his knees and weakly hit the tree as sobs escaped his throat.

"Fuck..!" He croaked out.
Henry stayed in that spot for a long time.
He wasn't at all shocked to get a beating from his father for coming home late.
Henry went to bed that night, bloody and hungry, but most of all knowing.
Henry Bowers is not straight.

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