gender reveal preparations

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Eiji POV

I woke up to my dad shaking me awake. He was telling me that we were home and I could see my mom inside. He took my stuff for me and I just rubbed my eyes open. We walk in and I run to hug my mom.
Eiji:Mommmm! How are you?

Y/n: Did you hit your head? Are you okay? You've never been this excited to see me

Eiji: WHAT?! I'm already happy to see you what do you mean

Y/n: you always walk straight to you room and don't even say hi

Eiji:ummmm uhhhh that is not true

Bakugo: Son I'm right here you know?

Eiji:oh hi dad. So what are we eating

Y/n: Pasta and meatballs

Eiji:ooohh yumm

Daiki: mom I have a project due tomorrow


Daiki:well with dad and papa working you've been really busy with the gender reveal preparations and the baby that I haven't really put mind to it

Y/n: okay what is it about?

Daiki: the solar system-

Y/n: oh well that's easy-

Daiki: and I have to create models of every planet to create a model of the solar system

Y/n: Omg! Why did you have to tell me this so late

Daiki: im sorry mom

Y/n: it's fine baby it's fine

Eiji: mom we still have leftover materials from when I had to do a solar system project you guys can use those

Y/n: you are so right Eiji thank you for reminding me

Shoto: well I will be in the training room if anyone needs me

Y/n:okay love, now you Daiki follow me because we have a lot of work to do

Mom, Daiki, and Dad all left the room leaving me and pa alone.

Katsuki:so, when are you gonna tell them about your love life lover boy

I look at him shocked
Eiji: what do you mean pa

Katsuki: oh please, son I've noticed how you are with that shin? What's his name that friend of yours

Eiji:Jin pa his name is Jin

Katsuki:whatever his name is, I know you like him and I've known for a while that you guys were dating, so when are you gonna tell your mom and dad

Eiji: I don't know pa

Katsuki: well I suggest it's soon.

Eiji:okay pa I will consider it, good night

Katsuki:good night son, I love you

Eiji:I love you too pa

Pa left to go to his room and I think it's best if I go to my room to, I let the sleep takeover me and I slept really good.
Y/N pov

After what felt like hours, we finally finished the solar system project, and I put Daiki to sleep. I've never been more relived to have finished something.
After I lay down and sleep next to Katsuki and Shoto my two lovers.
It's finally morning, and it's time to prepare for the gender reveal. I have the gender in an envelope that was given to Midoriya, since he will be the godfather. I got the cake ordered, the balloons, the decorations, the confetti. All I need is to go over to the place and everything will be fine.
I drove there and saw Midoriya, Iida, and Ururaka, they were all helping me.

Midoriya: hey Y/n how is everything?

Y/n: everything have been great you know

Midoriya: that's great to hear

Y/n: So how have you chosen to reveal the gender?

Midoriya: so I decided that Shoto and Kacchan will have two confetti tubes and then you will have one that will reveal colored smoke.

Y/n: that's so cute, I love it

Midoriya: Well get out of here before you spoil your own surprise

Y/n:okay I'm going...
*later on*

Y/n:Its time for the gender reveal and everyone is almost here...

Midoriya: Y/n, don't worry everything is gonna be okay

Y/n:okay... you know I trust you.

(More time passes and almost everyone is here)
I couldn't help but see my little Eiji's friends... he seems to be extra close with a certain boy. I've for sure met him before. Oh wait! I have that's Jin the guy he's always talking to. I'm gonna go say hello.

Y/n:Hello kids

(They all look at Y/n)

In unison: Hello Mrs.Todoroki

Y/n: oh please that makes me sound old, call me Y/n. So I see some familiar faces but I'm bad with names so do introduce yourselves please...

Sana:Hello Y/n, I am Sana
(Everyone introduces themselves and it's time for Jin to introduce himself)

Jin:Hello Y/n I am Jin we have met before

Y/n:Jin, I know you my son talks about you day and night

*Jin blushes*

Y/n: Yeah, all he does is talk about you


Y/n: Well he has to know the truth.

Midoriya: Hey Eiji how's it going

Eiji:Unclee, everything's going great

Midoriya:I'm glad to hear, Y/n, dear it's time for the revelation to start

Y/n:Really, okay wow I'm anxious! I'll be right there

(Everyone gathers around and Shoto and Katsu stand with Y/n anxiously)
Everyone: 3...2...1

ITS A...

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