1. The One with the Hangover

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I can feel my head exploding. Not literally, but almost there. My throat is dry like a desert. I need water. The thirst is killing me. What have I done to deserve this. I'm not even sure I'm sober. Whoa. Where am I? This is not my room.

I quickly checked if I still have my clothes on. T-shirt, checked. Skinny jeans, checked. Shoes, checked. I'm still wearing my shoes? Was I that drunk? At least I didn't screw anyone last night. Imagine the horror if I sleep with anyone other than my girlfriend. Being unfaithful is never an option.

Looking around, I found a glass of water and some aspirin on the side table of the bed. I took two and drank the water all the way down. Still not enough, I walked towards the kitchen to grab some. As I walked out the room, I saw a blond girl by the refrigerator.

"Hey" I said.

Chloe turned around with two bottles of water and tossed one to me.

"Good morning, babe!" She winked as if hinting something.

Babe? Why is she calling me babe? I just met Chloe yesterday and we already have a term of endearment? What the fuck happened last night? Oh, just to make things clear, I have a term of endearment to all of my close friends other than my girlfriend. But,wait, I just call my friends 'bitches'. Did I just gave her that name? Oh boy, I needed to know what happened last night. I wasn't planning on showing anyone the crazy, well, the fun me anytime soon, plus I call my girlfriend Babe or Baby. This is so not happening right now.

"So, uhh, what happened last night?" I asked while massaging my temple.

"You seriously don't remember anything at all, babe?" She laughed.

There she goes again with that name. Can she just tell me? The curiousity is killing me other than the headache I'm feeling.

"Well, you got pretty drunk. Haha" Right. As if I didn't know that already.

"You don't say?" I said sarcastically.

"Uhuh" she's still laughing. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Uhmm.." trying to think something of the events last night. "The last thing I remembered was drinking a lot of tequila shots and you were talking to some guy and..." yep. I got nothing.

"Haha. Yeah. That happened alright" she laughed. "But wait, there's more" she said as if she's in a tv show. This girl is unbelievable. "I'm gonna tell you everything later since we still have classes to attend, Babe." She winked.

Class? That's right. Today's the first day of classes. I looked at my wristwatch. It said 8:30. Holy shit. We have 9:00 am College Algebra today. I still have to pass by my dorm. I grabbed my bag and went for the door. Wait, where did I park my car? Ugh. This is so not fun.

"Hey, Chloe, do you know where I parked my car?"

"Babe, you didn't bring your car here in the apartment. Haha. You just left your car in the campus parking lot."

"Okay, Thanks. By the way, where are we?"

"We're in my apartment, silly" she laughed mockingly. "My apartment is just two blocks away from the campus". That's good. I guess I'll just grab a cab to get my things in the dorm and oh yeah, shower.

"Okay. See ya" I told her while running for the door before she could even reply.

I love math but the professor is boring. What do you expect when your prof should already be retiring and is speaking in monotone. Checking my class schedule, I have two classes left for today. The next one's after lunch, then I have a break for 2 hours, followed by my last subject.

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