2. The One With a Wild Pokemon

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Chloe and I have become good friends lately. We have the same class schedule so basically we are together most of the time. We also made some new friends in class, Kate and Chuck. Kate has a girlfriend that is why she doesn't always hang out with us after classes. Lucky her. While Chuck, who claims to be the class bad boy, even though he's really a nice guy once you get to know him, is always AWOL and appears only when there are quizes or exams. I have to admit, that guy is pretty smart.

It has been three months since the first day of classes and things went by smoothly. I was still able to focus on my studies even though things with Allie have been rocky lately, and not the good one though. She's still not convinced that Chloe is just a friend, and a straight one. She's not comfortable with Chloe and me hanging around. I get her point, but it's not Chloe's fault what happened that night. I always assured Allie that she has nothing to worry about since I only love her, but I guess this long-distance isn't really helping me with my relationship with her. I try my best to go home every two weeks but with the exams coming up, I don't have the luxury of time to go home and be with Allie for now. If only she's living here with me then we would not have this problem.

I haven't told Chloe about Allie's jealousy. It's really not her concern since she really didn't do anything. She's just a friend, a good one too.

"So...what do you wanna do today, bitch?" She asked while chewing food at the same time.

"Bitch, don't talk when your mouth is full. Don't you know anything about manners?" We call each other bitch now. Our term of endearment. Haha.

"Oh I'm sorry grandma. Please forgive me." She said sarcastically.

"Shut up and eat."

She swallowed her food and cleared her throat. Much better.

"So where are we going today?" She asked.

"I don't know about you but I just want to stay in my dorm and watch some episodes of Friends on my laptop." I replied. Today's Friday but I'm not in the mood to go out. Kate and Chuck won't be available so it's either hang out with Chloe or watch Friends. Friends marathon it is.

"Again?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah. I'm gonna watch Season 5 later." As if watching it for the first time.

"Bitch, you have watched the series at least 10 times already"

"So what? The show is still awesome" I love that show. It never gets old. Now I'm really excited to go back to the dorm. "I have to go now. Princess Consuela Bananahammock needs me."

"Oh. My. God." She said imitating Janice's (from Friends) voice.

"Haha. Nice one. Later, bitch"

On my way to the dorm, I tried calling Allie to know how's her day so far. No answer. She must be busy preparing for her exam.

"Hi, baby. Busy? How's your day? I'm heading back to the dorm to watch some episodes of Friends. Wish you were here. I miss you :* :(" I texted her instead.

Three hours later and still no reply. I don't want to worry but she doesn't normally ignore my texts. Did I do something wrong? I'm overthinking again. Might as well watch more episodes than worry over nothing. She always tells me what's wrong but why is she ignoring me now. Ugh. I really have to stop overthinking.


As I was laughing like an idiot in my room, I heard a knock on my door. Who could it be? Chloe's out on a date or something so I don't think she's coming over now. She always texts me first whenever she comes over.

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