Chapter 2

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Timmy slams the door open and quickly enters, "I wish I was wearing my usual clothes!" His pajamas change into a pink shirt and blue pants, with a pink hat to complete his look.

"So, what do you think of her, Sport?" Wanda asks as she glances at him then to the window, "Nothing weird?"

Timmy sighs, "She looked like a normal girl... But better safe than sorry..." He looks up, only to blink, "...What's Cosmo doing?"

Cosmo tries to say something but only muffle sounds come out as there is a gag blocking his mouth, and the fact that he is submerged in a water tank with a metal ball attached to his leg.

Wanda sighs before glaring at Cosmo, "Don't mind him, Sport... But, answer me this, imagine if you fall in love with the new girl... Will you let go of Trixie?"

Timmy freezes before glaring at her, "...Where did this come from?"

Poof flies in between them, "Poof!"

Timmy rolls his eyes, "You two were really discussing if she can replace Trixie, huh?"

Wanda crosses her arms then glares at him, "It's been six years, Timmy. Six long years of me watching you repeatedly pursue that bitch with nothing to show. At this point, I am damn well hoping that Chloe here can make you forg –"

"Enough." Timmy grinds his teeth, with his buck tooth almost hitting his gum, "I know that you mean well, Wanda but I won't give up on Trixie."

"Timothy Tiberius Turner, just why can't you see that she is just a spoiled bitch that keeps on trampling you and your efforts?! What makes her so damn worth it, that you still want to continue?!"

"You wouldn't understand Wanda! I have been slowly chipping away at her wall and gotten brief glances at the kind of girl she is!"

"Are you kidding me Timmy! Every time someone from her group comes along, she's back to being that spoiled rotten bitch that tramples on you and everybody else that aren't cool."

Timmy turns around then marches over to the wide-opened door, "Now where are you going?" Wanda sarcastically says.

"Outside. Meeting Chloe." He slams the door shut after going through.

Poof slowly flies next to Wanda, who is glaring at the door but drops her glare with a sigh as she sees her son coming closer, "Poof..."

Wanda slowly uncrosses her arms, "Yes Poof, I know... But... I just don't want to see him shattering piece by piece..." She glances at Cosmo then sighs before lifting her wand that brightly glows.

The water tank disappears and Cosmo, now wearing his usual clothes, greedily breathes in and out before squinting his eyes at Wanda, "I demand to see my water lawyer!"

She facepalms before sighing as her wand glows again, materializing a water humanoid wearing lawyer clothes in front of Cosmo, who immediately flies over to it.

"Yes, I want to know my rights as a person who almost drowned and –"

"Cosmo, you can't drown."

"Shush woman, I am in an important discussion here!"

Wanda facepalms and sighs at the same time before looking at Poof, "I love your father but please never be like him."


"Stupid Wanda... Her prejudice against Trixie is really annoying..." Timmy bitterly mumbles while walking out of the front door. He sees Chloe standing in front of his yard while using her phone, prompting him to walk faster.

Chloe glances to see him coming closer so she turns off her phone and slids it into her purse, "Hello, Timmy." She smiles at him then looks him up and down, "You look nice."

He looks away while awkwardly scratching his hair, "Y-yeah, finally dressed and all..."

She shakes her head, "It is fine, pink surprisingly matches with you."

Timmy's cheek reddens while still looking away from her, "My parents kept buying pink clothes since I was a kid and it kinda stuck to me." He awkwardly chuckles.

Chloe nods, "I see. Now, it has been a pleasure in meeting you, Timmy, but I need to go rearrange everything in my house." She walks away without waiting for his response.

Timmy snaps his eyes to her, "W-wait!" He hastily says, prompting her to stop and look back with a raised eyebrow, "You mean your furniture, right?"

She nods again, prompting him to continue saying, "Let me help you."

"Oh, it's fine. I can handle it, so you don't need to bother yourself with me." She turns around to give him a smile, though to him, it almost looks like a sad smile with how the upper corner of her lips twitch.

He rapidly shakes his head, "Two people working is better than one, so let me help you." Then he glances at his house with narrowed eyes, "And I don't feel like going back into my house."

She pauses then tilts her head while playing with the edge of her dress, "Ok... But, let me clean up the house then you can enter." She quickly walks to her house and enters without looking back.

Timmy blinks then sighs as he scratches his head, "Ok...? Guess I'll just wait in front of her door... What a weird girl..."

He stands in front of the door, waiting to the point he yawns, though flinches when he sees the door fly open.

"Alright, I'm done! Please, come in." Chloe smiles at him before opening the door wider, prompting him to come in to see a house that almost looks identical to his, though the furniture are haphazardly placed that could result in injury if one is careless.

"Sorry for taking so long, the movers carelessly threw my stuff in here that made me work longer than I thought..." She sighs as she closes the door.

He looks around the room, "This place almost looks identical to mine." He stops in front of a three-seater sofa, "Anyway, time to work." He glances back to see her awkwardly looking at him, prompting him to raise an eyebrow.

"Hold on... Um... I... Want to make this place into... Like a party place..." Her cheeks redden as she plays with the edge of her dress.

Timmy purses his lip while looking at her, "Are you planning like a welcoming party...?" He slowly says while turning around.

Chloe eagerly nods while beaming at him, "Yeah! My parents taught me that I should be a nice, warm, friendly, helpful, good girl, so I should throw a party to greet my new neighbors!"

He notices a slight bitterness in her tone but dismisses it, thinking that it was a result of him being angry with Wanda before nodding at her.

"Alright... But first... Wanda, Cosmo, Poof, you guys can come out now."

She narrows her eyes at him while looking around, "Who are you talking –" She freezes as she sees a big stage with large spotlights at the back of it appear in the middle of the room with 3 little people, wearing tuxedo, on it.

Wanda extends her arm, "Hello new godchild! I am Wanda!"

Cosmo extends his arm to her, "And I am Cosmo!"

Poof lands on top of their linked hands, "Poof!"

"And we are your new fairly Godparents!"

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